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Customer Reviews

Precision Mastering Bundle

Overall Rating

561-580 of 660 Results

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B. Marolla

June 17, 2011

Aaaah, the reason I bought my UAD-2 in the first place. Mastering plugs like this one allows me to get a professional sounding result every time without artificial artifacts. As a final plug in my mastering chain, it never fails in keeping my mixes under control and sounding great.

H. Kikuta

June 17, 2011

This Limiter is very smooth & nice!
I'm always using Precision Limiter for Mix Buss.

P. Göltl

June 17, 2011

******* set and forget******* my master bus can't play without it.....!

G. Porro

June 17, 2011

All my mixes are bounce with the precision limiter plugin.
It's gives you volume, pressence and no distorsion.
Really easy to used and very powerful plugin

D. Sredensek

June 17, 2011

Very easy to use but you must be very carefully with this. In some cases, may make a litlle distortion like sound. So if you work with caution, it does its job very good.

D. Sredensek

June 17, 2011

I use it as the last (second) master compressor, before this, i put multiband compressor. I would like to use something else between these two, but they uses pretty much cpu and memory so i have to use these two very racionally. Anyway, all things, what multiband not do, this precision limiter does and it do very good its job. So with this two couple there is no problem to het average -11 Db final RMS and with still not too much "final pumping" on the final sound.

F. Bonfiglio

June 17, 2011

Excellent meter. Actually, the best meter I have on my whole DAW ! Very useful to monitor very precisely the dynamic range of your final master output. Oh, and I almost forgot : very good limiter compressor too !

P. Vandewaeter

June 17, 2011

Good product.
I would like to have the possibility of enlarging window of the plugin, which is too small on my screen resolution.
I would want to know the difference of treatment enters the position has and b ?
Thanks !
Studio Lakanal Mastering France

B. De

June 16, 2011

Easy to use and it sounds great, instantly hear the difference.

B. De

June 16, 2011

I use it in all my projects. Easy to use and it does what it supposed to do.

B. De

June 16, 2011

Easy to use and it sounds great, instantly hear the difference.

C. Soulos

May 29, 2011

I used to use this a lot but then I bought the Manley.
It's a fabulous piece of equipment but I'm running out of DSP with the Manley taking up the whole front room of the house.
Pity, it works so well.
I suppose I'll wake up from my dream state and go back to this.

C. Soulos

May 29, 2011

This is my favorite Limiter I've ever used in my life.
I use it on 100% of my mixes.
Is there more I can say?
Would it make a difference?
Not to me.

C. Soulos

May 29, 2011

Not use much, don't like much.
Expensive for the sadly poor workflow of this thing.
The amount of times I've tweaked the wrong knob and wasted a good amount of work means this is gathering dust.
Looks really good, love the demo video, but not as wonderful in real life.
Got bitten by the hype.
I hope UAD remodels the interface one day.
And I don't really like what it does to the sound of my mixes, adds a bit of distortion, so, I suppose, even if they change it, I won't be using it.
I'll never get my money back so no love lost.
I wish I knew what it was good for...
I prefer the Steinberg Multiband. Because it' performs equally as good and completely free to Cubase users and easy.

R. Gavrielov

March 19, 2011

I love the Multiband compressor & the limiter! that's a must have, though I prefer the Manley Massive Passive MST plug-in for the mastering EQ :)

S. Elliott

August 17, 2009


J. Hohmann

August 19, 2008

I want to share an interesting experience with the precision multiband with you. Last weekend I had 2 blind musicians in my studio. One female singer and a guitarist. The singer had unbelievably fine ears. She was able to hear different length of guitar cables and recognized the shorter cables to sound more open. When we had recorded their song, we mastered the song with my Drawmer S3 and then with the Precision Multiband. They were talking about differences in 1 dB steps, when they turned the gain knobs at the S3.

They said the S3 sounds warmer and fatter especially in the bass, but they prefered the Multiband. "We cannot describe", she said, "but we like the mix with the Multiband more". Hands down, this story ist really true!!!

I really wish Universal Audio would make other multiband tools with such characteristics in the bass. The optimum would be the openess of the Multiband and the bass section of the Drawmer S3. The bass is also the problem of every other multiband compressor. If you have ever compared the Drawmer S3 with a software multiband compressor, you will know what I am talking about.

T. Liljegren

May 6, 2008

Yeah people. I suggest you definately better go for the precision maximizer or even better: the Neve 33609 compressor limiter. (WHOHAAA!!!!!) This precision limiter eats up the drums and almost exterminate your kick drum totally. I used this one for more than 2 years and it really confused me and made my mixing time expand a lot.

S. Rauch

May 4, 2008

Unfortunately I have to master my own mixes, cause I don´t work on Pro-Level. When I tried the Demo it was actually the first time that my "limited to death to achieve pro-level-loudness"-Master even so sounded better than the Mix - compared at the same subjective Hearing Level! I immediately started to re-master all mixes I had on my computer at that time with a better result on every song amazingly quick. So far I used Ozone for Multiband Compression Jobs but didn´t get it to sound as smooth as with this, so my experience is different from the guy´s that could work better with Ozone. It´s a matter of taste, I guess...
My advice: Do not try any UAD Demo if you don´t got the money on hand to buy it straight away ;-)

Best Regards!
Cologne, Germany

S. Hofman

April 9, 2008

I used the Precision Limiter for two days now and already on every project. In about 12 days the demo trial end so i'll start buying right away!!

561-580 of 660 Results