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Customer Reviews

Precision Mastering Bundle

Overall Rating

521-540 of 660 Results

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B. Baka

April 16, 2012

I really love Precision Multiband Compressor. It has got warm sound and it's really dynamic ! Worth-buying all serie !

P. Moshay

April 4, 2012

Absolutely essential plug in. It is the only limiter that maintains the integrity of the source even when you are digging into it. equally effective on tracks or master bus.

M. Kempter

January 5, 2012

Goodbye LinMB !
I mostly use it in every extern Mix i receive to design the sound i prefer. But what i love the PMB for, is on a poorly recorded Bassguitar, played wild on 2-3 octaves. So nice tu pull and push the tones just by ear, compressing/expanding the signal on 5 Bands.. just jummy! My prefered Dynamic EQ almost :)
Allways great results AND plain fun working with it!

R. Folson

November 14, 2011

I've been a huge fan of the L2 limiter Plug-in by WAVES.... Every since I got the Precision Limiter for my UADs, I haven't had the urge to open the L2 Plug at all! I'm serious, this is the real thing! You Can really pedal to the metal and still keep the overall integrity of your Mix!! Awesome!!

J. Sosa

October 14, 2011

This limiter Sounds Great, love it, i use it on every master buss !! definitly a must by for your UAD-2 DSP..

C. Hilding

June 30, 2011

3 words: Vital For Mastering. This is an incredibly transparent, 5 band Mastering Compressor with EXTREMELY good GUI and controls and features such as soloing bands while tweaking. Did I mention the EXTREMELY good GUI and EXTREMELY transparent sound? You must have this!

T. Trochimczuk

June 29, 2011

Great quality and musicality. I'm waiting for some new presets from famous users and some quick 30-60 second video tips for each plugin.

It will be great as well to read or watch about some GREAT UAD FX CHAINS,
like LA2+1776LN.

Maybe we can start with VOCAL DANCE UAD FX CHAIN, for example:

LA2+1776LN+EP34+Plate 140

I love my UAD plugins but I feel that I use only about 20-30% of its POWER.

Greatings from Poland,

J. Romero

June 29, 2011

Es el mejor limitador brickwaal que jamas he tenido es super preciso y limpio ,
ademas no aplasta nunca la señal que procesa , los vumeters son de lo mas realista
y tambien esta muy bien el poder trabajar con el sistema "k"


J. Broeckers

June 28, 2011

The best software limiter you can get...sounds very warm and full, sure a limiter shouldn't have a sound,but hey it's cool...

Included in all Pearldiver Records Productions and Masterings !!!

C. Mcintosh

June 23, 2011

The Precision Limiter is the first limiter I go to when dealing with the master channel. WHY?......Because it does its job excellently and works wonders on any audio signal you pass through it!

M. Lameiro

June 23, 2011

Simple to Work visible and very good results for anything (deessing, eq, compress, anything and transparent)

M. Riedel

June 22, 2011

no mastering without a precision plug in. especially the limiter is my alltime favorite. visual feedback is great and the sound is great too. the precision limiter makes it easy to take care about your headroom.

P. Paslack

June 21, 2011

I always use this during the mastering in Logic. It makes the sound a little more transparent. Again very "gentle" settings.

P. Paslack

June 21, 2011

I always use this during the mastering in Logic and come to very good results with
"gentle" settings

P. Paslack

June 21, 2011

I use this during the mastering in Logic and always come to excellent results

A. Pozzi

June 21, 2011

My choice multiband for digital mastering. Precision EQ, Cambridge EQ, Multiband, Prec. Comp and Limiter. That's my chain.

A. Pozzi

June 21, 2011

Fav limiter. Always at the end of the chain. Masters buss and tracks.
I love it.

A. Pozzi

June 21, 2011

My eq. What a sound! I have a Chandler EMI Curve Bender which is a simple but POWERFUL eq, this one looks to me a bit similar in his conception. Few touches, a great musical eq sound.
Masters, tracks, instruments, good on everything.
All I ask for is a HI cut (i need to put a Cambridge EQ in the chain just for that).
Then it's perfect.

J. Avalos

June 20, 2011

at first you have to get used to its sound, it is no dificult but you have to be very careful in order to selct the frecuencies, it is ideal for balancing the frequencies for instruments , voices, and with careful(once again) soem nice touch for mixes

J. Avalos

June 20, 2011

very trasnparent eq as its name says precision eq, very good for that last shape to the mixes, a must for the mastering chain

521-540 of 660 Results