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Universal Audio, Inc. Privacy Policy

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1. Who Is Universal Audio?

Universal Audio, Inc. and its subsidiaries (together, “UA”) manufacture hardware and software (together, “Systems”) that enable the processing of audio signals. We sell such Systems indirectly through distributors and retailers and online through our own websites, including, without limitation:,, and We also provide customer support through Our websites are each referred to in this Privacy Policy as a “UA Domain” and, collectively, as “UA Domains”.

2. Why Am I Being Asked to Review this Privacy Policy?

In conducting its business, UA often collects data that identifies, or can be used to identify, specific individuals or households including, without limitation, members of the public who visit UA Domain(s) and our customers, employees and contractors. On May 25, 2018, a new law regulating the collection and handling of data related to residents of the European Union (the “EU”) went into effect. That law, called the “General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR,[1] along with an updated version of an existing law, called the “EU ePrivacy Regulation” [2] ( together, the “New EU Privacy Laws”), give people to whom the New EU Privacy Laws apply, significantly more control over their data than prior law. For administrative ease, UA has decided to extend, the protections given under the New EU Privacy Laws to all individuals with whom UA does business, regardless of where they live.

Since the enactment of the New EU Privacy Laws, the State of California has enacted its own separate privacy law, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), which went into effect on January 1, 2020. In addition to containing provisions that are intended to comply with the GDPR, this document (the “Privacy Policy”) contains provisions intended to make the Privacy Policy compliant with the CCPA. If you are a California consumer or household and you wish to learn more about your rights under the CCPA, please see §1798.100 through §1798.199 of the California Civil Code.

3. What is Personal Data?

The New EU Privacy Laws and the CCPA cover very similar, but not identical, kinds of data. They also use slightly different terminology to define what’s covered. We borrow the term used by the New EU Privacy Laws—“Personal Data”—for purposes of this Privacy Policy. But, to the extent that the New EU Privacy Laws and the CCPA conflict, as might possibly occur for California consumers, the term used by the CCPA---“Personal Information”-- shall apply, instead (and, more generally, to the extent there is a conflict between a provision of the New EU Privacy Laws and a provision of the CCPA, then the CCPA provision shall take precedence).

4. What Personal Data About Me Does UA Collect and For What Purposes?

Here are the categories of Personal Data that UA collects about you, along with the purposes for which such data is used:

5. How Long Does UA Keep My Personal Data?

UA will retain your Personal Data for no longer than is necessary to serve the purposes for which the data was collected, subject to your rights under Section 9 below.

6. Does UA Share My Personal Data With Anyone Else?

UA will not sell your Personal Data to any third party. However, UA may share some of your Personal Data with third parties for the reasons set forth below. Some of these third parties are located outside of the EU and some use Profiling and other kinds of automated decision making. “Profiling” means the use of Personal Data to analyze, monitor or predict your behavior including, without limitation, your personal preferences, interests or location.

7. Do I have the Right to Access My Personal Data?

8. On What Basis is UA Claiming It Has the Right to Process My Personal Data?

The GDPR lists six (6) instances in which a data “Controller”, like UA, may legally Process the Personal Data of a person who is a covered by that law:

Because the categories of Personal Data that UA is collecting and processing and the purposes for which such Personal Data is being used, as described in this Privacy Policy, are (taken as a whole) broad, UA is relying on “Consent” as the legal basis for collecting and processing such information for purposes of GDPR compliance. However, it is possible, as to particular categories/uses that other legal bases exist, as well. Where this true, UA reserves the right to rely on the alternative basis where it deems necessary or appropriate.

9. How Can I Restrict or Otherwise Control the Kinds of Personal Data That UA Processes?

10. Can I Trust Third-Party Advertisers and Links to Third Party Websites That Appear on a UA Domain?

The UA Domains include third-party advertising and links to other websites. Except for the express obligations set forth above and in the GDPR and ePrivacy Regulation, UA assumes no responsibility for the actions of third-party advertising or the content access via such links.

11. Are Children Allowed to Use the UA Domains?

If you are under 18, you may use the UA Domains only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.

12. Conditions of Use, Notices, and Revisions.

If you choose to visit a UA Domain, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy and our website Terms of Use found here, including limitations on damages, resolution of disputes, and application of the law of the State of California (except where they expressly conflict with the New EU Privacy Laws, in which case the New EU Privacy Laws shall apply, unless the you are a California consumer and the conflicting California law is the CCPA). Our business changes constantly, and our Privacy Policy will change also. We may e-mail periodic reminders of our notices and conditions, but you should check our website frequently to see recent changes. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account. We stand behind the promises we make, however, and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of your information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers.

Personal Data that You Intentionally Give Us

When you use a UA Domain and/or UA’s products or you work for us, as an employee or contractor, you may provide us with certain information about yourself, intentionally. For example, when you create a my.uaudio account, search for a product; place an order through a UA Domain or one of our third-party sellers; register a UA product; contact us or a third party for customer support; complete a questionnaire or a contest entry form; participate in a forum, discussion board, or social media comment section on our website; provide a product review or sign-up for payroll or benefits, you will provide us with information about yourself. Such information could include your name, address, zip code, country of residence, the type of DAW and computer you use, information about your credit card, and other potentially sensitive information.

Personal Data that We Collect On our Own

As indicated earlier in this Privacy Policy, we Process certain Personal Data about you that we collect on our own.

One category of Personal Data that we Process on our own is derived from your use of one or more UA Domains. For example, we Process information about the IP address you use to connect your computer to the Internet; your login; your e-mail address; your password; your computer and your connection information (such as browser type, version, time zone setting, language preferences, browser plug-in types, operating system, and platform); the products you search for, your web history, your click through history, your purchase history; and the phone number you used to call our 800 number.

Another category of Personal Data that we Process on our own is derived from your use of UA’s products. For example, software you license from UA may cause your computer, without notice to connect to a UA Domain:

A third category of Personal Data that we Process on our own is derived from information that you provide via technical and repair requests. This includes the email address or phone number that you use to contact us and, upon request, account information; information about your computer; the software you use in conjunction with UA software and products; information about the configuration of your computer to aid in troubleshooting; your mailing address; and additional telephone numbers

A fourth category of Personal Data that we Process on our own is derived from your use of your mobile device. For example, when you download or use software provided by UA, we may receive information about your location and your mobile device, including a unique identifier for your device. We may Process this information to provide you with location-based services, such as advertising, search results, and other personalized content.

A fifth category of Personal Data that we process on our own is derived from email communications to and from you. For example, to help us make e-mails more useful and interesting, we receive a confirmation when you open e-mail from UA, information on what items within the email you click, and information on any resulting web store purchase activities, if your computer and email software supports such capabilities. We also periodically compare our customer list to lists received from other companies, in an effort to avoid sending unnecessary messages to our customers. When using Personal Data from third parties, it is our policy to use such data only when you had previously consented to the third party’s transfer of the Personal Data to us.

In collecting the Personal Data described above, we may use browser data such as cookies or flash cookies (also known as Flash Local Shared Objects). We may also use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.

Information From Other Sources

Examples of Personal Data that we receive from other sources include updated delivery and address information from our carriers or other third parties, which we use to correct our records and deliver your next purchase or communication more easily; account information, purchase or redemption information, and page-view information from some merchants with which we operate co-branded businesses or from which we receive fulfillment, advertising, or other services; search term and search result information from some searches; search results and links, including paid listings (such as Sponsored Links); credit history information from credit bureaus, which we use to help prevent and detect fraud and to offer certain credit or financial services to some customers; and background and other employment-related information.

UA Business Partners

Examples of UA business partners with whom we may share your Personal Data include technology partners from whom we license software that we integrate into our Systems, partners from whom we license trademarks that we use to brand individual software titles (or “Plug-Ins”) that we develop for our Systems and partners who, themselves, develop Plug-Ins for our Systems.

UA Third Party Service Providers

Examples of UA Third Party Service Providers include businesses which help us: manage payroll and benefits, fulfill orders, deliver packages, send postal mail and e-mail, remove repetitive information from customer lists, analyze data, provide marketing assistance, serve online advertising, provide search results and links (including paid listings and links), process credit card payments, and provide customer service. Some of these UA Third Party Service Providers use Profiling or other kinds of automated decision making techniques.

One of the more common purposes for which Profiling and other kinds of automated decision making techniques are used is to generate interest-based advertisements for us. Interest-based ads, also sometimes referred to as personalized or targeted ads, are displayed to you based on information from activities such as purchasing on our sites, visiting sites that contain UA content or ads, or interacting with UA tools.

While we do not provide any Personal Data to advertisers or to third party sites that display our interest-based ads, advertisers and other third-parties (including the ad networks, ad-serving companies, and other service providers they may use) use technology to serve the ads that appear on our sites directly to your browser. In so doing, they generally receive your IP address automatically and may assume that users who interact with or click on a personalized ad or content are part of the group that the ad or content is directed towards (for example, users in the Pacific Northwest who bought or browsed for classical music). Advertisers may also use cookies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize ad content. While UA has the obligation to enter into agreements with advertisers (and other third parties who process your Personal Data) that provide the “guarantee” described in Section 6.b of this Policy Policy, we do not have physical access to, or control over, cookies or other features that advertisers and third party sites may use.

Customer Preferences

[1] The full name of the GDPR is “The Regulation (EU) 2016/679) of the European Parliament and Of the Council (dated April 27, 2016): On the Protection of Natural Persons With Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of Such Data and Repealing Directive 95/465/EC.” It became effective on May 25, 2018.

[2] The full name of the ePrivacy Regulation is “Regulation of European Parliament and of the Council Concerning the Respect for Private Life and the Protection of Personal Data in Electronic Communications and Repealing Directive 2002/58/EC (Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communication).”

Last Updated Effective August 10, 2022