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Customer Reviews

Volt 476

Overall Rating

21-37 of 37 Results

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F. Saibene

May 15, 2022

Quality, practicality and speed

L'interfaccia perfetta per un lavoro di qualità, pratico e veloce. ovunque tu sia il sound Universal Audio sarà con te. Perfetta per la realizzazione di pre produzioni, che possono diventare il take definitivo grazie alla garanzia sonora UAD.

The perfect interface for quality, practical and fast work. Wherever you are, Universal Audio sound will be with you. Perfect for making pre-productions, which can become the definitive take thanks to the UAD sound guarantee.

T. Black

May 2, 2022

Nice and easy to use

love this fantastic bit of kit I use it in the studio for music production and at live events for play back and sound monitoring.
The sound quality out ways the price for what you get and highly recommend this for beginners or pro's

E. Avi

May 2, 2022

Quello che cercavo da tempo

Ho il mio home studio da circa 20 anni. La mia scheda audio era fino a poco tempo fa una Echo Event Gina che sono stato costretto a sostituire per aggiornare lo studio. Nel mio home studio preparo i demo tape che poi vado a perfezionare in grossi studi di registrazione. La voce definitiva però la registro comunque nel mio home studio. Avevo quindi bisogno di una scheda di qualità ma non mi servivano tutti quei surplus che offrono le schede di qualità in quanto io con la scheda non faccio altro che registrare la voce. Non devo gestire pesanti plug-in. Non ho bisogno di molti ingressi e molte uscite. Due in e quattro out era quello che mi serviva. Nel momento in cui ho cominciato a cercare Volt non era ancora uscita. Convinto dalle recensione sul web ho provato scarlett. L'ho restituita immediatamente. Secondo me è poco più di un giocattolo. Allora ho provato la nuova Clarett+: molto bene la dinamica. Una bella scheda ma perdeva la connessione ogni 5 minuti. Restituita. Provo la nuova volt. La dinamica è inferiore a Clarett ma il 'colore' è veramente molto bello. Il compressore poi si rivela davvero utilissimo! Ha il solo difetto che lo regoli assieme al gain. Problema che non mi riguarda perchè io passo rima dal mixer e quindi regolo la quantità di compressione su volt e il gain sul mixer. L'ho già usata per le mie nuove registrazioni. Ve ne faccio ascoltare una. La voce è registrata con Volt 476.

C. Manzo

May 1, 2022

Volt soundcard are really dope for the price

Really enjoy the new soundcard amazing sound and dope feature

UAD User

April 30, 2022


When I was looking to try something different then the Scarlet that I was using. I wanted a interface reasonably price but with just as much vocal recording quality. The Volt provides that with the option to record and compress vocals before entering my DAW. I can’t wait for the UAD plug-ins be a available to be used with the Volt on PC.

D. Barbe

April 30, 2022

Very good.

Super quality converter .. very low latency .. low price for class A quality ... Top ..
The Vintage mode makes the sounds so warm.

J. Daughhetee

April 29, 2022

Great device! Sounds amazing!

I've used Focusrite Scarletts, Audient EVO's and iD's, Zen Go and this one is my favorite! I love that everything I need to do has a physical button on the device. Only thing missing is loopback.

J. Witham

April 29, 2022

Fantastic, but simple.

So far I've had zero problems with it. Drivers are very stable, fast, and the preamps sound amazing with my tube mic.

My only issue is that the drivers are very simple, there doesn't seem to be options for routing outside of the DAW, and for a 4/4 interface it would be useful for some circumstances.

J. Charleson

April 29, 2022

Great for fast work flow

The "i cant believe its not" a vintage pre and 1176 combo, sounds amazing.
Ive gotta remind myself to occasionaly not use both on everything I record.
If the mono button summed the monitor output this would be a 5 star review.

s. levesque

April 29, 2022

Volt 476 clearly beast

I love my Ua volt 476 compressor 1176 inside is insane u just need to select if is vox or instrument and the quality talk by himself i love the look too wood with aluminum is just vintage and beautiful

R. Nicol

April 29, 2022

Some issues?

A few weird problem. Not sure if they are software or hardware. I have noticed bleed when recording. Switching back to my old interface during the same session fixed this issue so it is happening somewhere in my Volt 476. Also, the output tends to distort when listening to music via Spotify or Roon. Not the audiophile listening experience I was expecting from UA. I have started switching to a different audio interface when I am not recording and want to hear clean audio.

D. Keskin

April 29, 2022

No longer a Focusrite weirdo

I was shocked to see a UA interface at thia price, I've always been a focusrite user but wanted to save up for an apollo. Ran out right away to buy it and my mind was blown, i usually pair it with a AKG perception 420 but can't wait to try it with the classic SM57 I'm pretty sure this has enough gain unlike the focusrite to actually power it properly

My recordings have sounded so much better. I gotta see if you guys make full on digital mixing boards

J. Bader

April 29, 2022

Expected more for the price

The interface is well made and good looking but compared to my SSL2+ which I hoped the Vold 476 would replace it's not that impressive feature wise. The mic pre-amp seems to have less gains and so do the output amps for the monitors. The monitor source selection is nice but I was hoping that I could have something like a N-1 configuration for one output - similar to a 2nd bus on a mixer or console but that was my mistake for not reading the manual careful enough. Also I don't like that the phantom power switch does not stay on after re-connecting the device. Since the mic pre has less gain I have to use an in-line Triton FETHead to get enough gain for my SM7b without slamming the gain knob almost all the way. The SSL2+ was fine without the FETHead and had a hardware toggle for phantom power which stayed on. So all in all I think I should've sticked with the SSL2+

b. mammone

April 29, 2022

Drivers for Windows 10

the drivers for Windows 10 are not stable and I have problems with the plug in, sometimes I have noises and rustles, I solve by uninstalling the drivers and reinstalling everything then please release new drivers for Windows 10

b. mammone

April 29, 2022

Driver Windows 10

the drivers for Windows 10 are not stable and I have problems with the plug in, sometimes I have noises and rustles, I solve by uninstalling the drivers and reinstalling everything then please release new drivers for Windows 10

T. Sa-hao

April 23, 2022


Good Good Good

M. Jalil

February 28, 2022

With Volt interface everyone has the chance to make pure and beautiful sound

I have been looking and trying different interfaces and have been struggling with all the noise issues from different interfaces to create contents. I was pleasantly surprised hearing the pure sound of VOLT 467 interface. No more wasting time to troubleshoot. All the energy will be spent on creation.

It took me about 5 minutes to set it up and connect my guitar and bass into it. The sound just dropped my jaw. The Vintage mode makes that guitar sounds so warm. It really sound vintage.

I just realized with what gear all those music were made, we audiophiles try to reproduce with our gears. They were made with UA gears. Thanks to UA now everyone could produce beautiful sounds.

Volt is by far the most elegant interface in its class. I love the retro look of the wood. Those large knobs and buttons on the top making configurations and setup a breeze which is a little harder with interfaces which have many buttons and knobs just in front plate.

While the smaller versions of VOLT won't need extra power supply, VOLT 467 will only function with the additional 5V power supply (USB connection + 5V Power Supply)

There are many useful and expensive software/plugins coming with the interfaces (5 times the price of the interface), however, I wish UA would have also given the option to use the UA own homegrown DAW.

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