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Customer Reviews

SPL® Transient Designer

Overall Rating

181-200 of 261 Results

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M. Smith

May 7, 2014

Great tool to have!

I have used this plug in subtle and extreme ways with great results! Nothing else really does what this thing does!
It can fix "some" bad recordings, bad performances, add sustain (dead toms), tame sustain (ringing toms), has saved me more than a few times!

It is also great in a sound design context esp. in extreme settings!

H. Lemke

April 13, 2014

Very Nice

Ein sehr interessantes Plug-in, absolute Empfehlung für die Drums!

O. Johannessen

April 7, 2014

A drummers friend.

This is my first UAD plug-In, and definately not the last. It is so simple to use, and very efficient on the right sources. My drums are recorded in an extremely small room, and this thing really helps me to pull out the best of them. By changing attack and sustain I can manipulate the most important tracks to get the right sound. And some of the presets are very useful, like the fierce click on the kick drum, and gentle snap on cybals. Worked also well on a bass-track , to shorten the notes.

D. Ferreira

March 15, 2014

Simple and efficient

This is the lethal weapon if you have some transient issues or want to reshape your track. Absolutely indispensable.

J. Cheek

March 11, 2014


I seriously do not know what I've ever do now on kick drum without the Transient Designer, and don't know how I ever got along without it. I guess ignorance is bliss...! But soon as you try this on kick (as well as other drums etc) there is no way you'll ever turn back!

C. Bower

March 1, 2014

unique and effective mixing tool

This plugin helps to effectively situate your instruments in the mix without using compression or eq! Great for defining articulations.

J. Cummins

February 12, 2014


Ok, this is a great tool, make it bigger or trim it tight. Snare needs more it will do it, snare to big, need it tight and short, done. Bass to much, trim it in tight even vocals. You now how great this tool is when you mix. So till you get one you just don't know, get one and you will know. You know magic when you got it!

I. Hollyman

February 7, 2014

Such a unique plug-in

I'm a producer and engineer of harder dance music and more recently EDM. I'm new to UAD, with this being my first purchase and what an amazing purchase it turned out to be. I got the plug-in on recommendation and after reading the reviews and now I can see why it is praised so highly. Since having it, it has appeared on many of my drum tracks. For kicks, snares and the like this can really perfect a sound that's almost there but not quite. It's unbelievable listening to the results that this plug-in has such few controls. Highly recommended.

C. Chastain

January 22, 2014

It just works.

If you're familiar with the hardware version of the TD, you'll feel comfortable right away with this plug. It responds just like the hardware, which is awesome.

M. Lister

January 20, 2014


This does exactly what it says on the tin ,,,, no artefacts unless you go crazy with it.
So many uses for this, considering there are only three controls..... wow.

P. Oulster

January 15, 2014

Transient control or Compressor?

Compression can be a nightmare. I've tried so many with my Bass Guitar and only came up with one that worked in live situations and the studio to fit my style. This Spl Transiet Designer would have been a God send back in the day. It makes things sit, push, or pull in the mix without hearing any pumping or sacturation. Transients easy to control, using only sustain/attack controls.
It can turn a dead Drum kit into a huge room mic kit by adding sustain or deadening the ambience by decreasing it. Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, it's littered all over my current mix. Transparent, easy to use, a great tool!

J. Vece

January 14, 2014

Must have for drums!!

After trying the demo I had to get the transient designer. If im tracking drums its getting used every time. In combination with good miking this kills the gate/ expander headache. Great product.

L. Nadjiri

January 13, 2014

Very special tool

This little helper is great. But although it only has three knobs it is incredibly versatile. Guitars or vocals you can give it more presence or use it as a quite strang effect.

L. Sicilia

January 11, 2014

Effetto presenza

Il plugin funziona egregiamente. È molto efficace sulla voce femminile e sui fiati. Trasparente è cristallino, marmoreo nell effetto presenza della voce.

M. Ducker

January 6, 2014

tame those transients

I recently had to mix a recording of a band where the snare wasn't captured well and came across like a small toy drum , the spl Transient Designer worked great and enabled me to add more sustain to each hit with easy to use controls.
awesome tool .
I also used it on a very blown out bass guitar and was able to regain alot of the individual note definition by reducing the sustain on the transient designer.
easy to use great purchase.

S. Roefs

December 30, 2013

Must have, it's extremely useful!

This thing often works better than a compressor. Essential tool for shaping the attack and sustain of any signal. I use it must often on kick and snare, or to bring some extra life or melowness into a guitar part. This thing dwarfs the free plugins out there, it's a major difference.

E. Toussaint

December 15, 2013

The real deal!

I can only compare this to the Plugin All. version, but THIS KILLS IT! It seemed like the low end was getting butchered w the other version. The UAD version is smooth, clean, and "analog". You know! Good buy, especially w discount. Highly recommend.

D. Mckethan

December 15, 2013


This plugin is the extra umph that I needed not just on drums but for guitars as well. Thank you UA for making this plugin for UA users

B. Bruno

December 14, 2013

superb !

a very nice plug, I use it for boost the attack on drums, but also for smoothing talking voice on documentaries.

D. Hiett

November 30, 2013

every engineer should have this in their stash

I use this plugin non stop on my drums to transform and manipulate them however I need. often times creating brand new sounds completely un recognizable from the original source with just a few simply knobs you can't go wrong. its not just for making sounds snap in fact I rarely add attack I just usually take it away !

181-200 of 261 Results