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Customer Reviews

Sound Machine Wood Works

Overall Rating

101-120 of 122 Results

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F. Schoffelen

May 10, 2015

Not as good as expected

Tested the plugin thoroughly with luthier steelstring guitars with fishmann pickups, German handmade classical guitars with Baggs pickups, Yahama APX 10 Classic with proprietary pickups ( body and saddle) and even an electric guitar with Piezo on ech bridge saddle ( Godin). I had high hopes for this plugin to "rescue" some recordings that had been done with stereo mikes and direct in setups. The R88 ( AEA) or AT4060 duo sometimes caught a bit of sneezing (Live) . For various reasons this did not work out. For the price it has very few models compared to for instance the Fishman Pedal ( AURA DI) and secondly they just sounded harsh compared to all other modelling attempts. I went with the AURA instead.

T. Liljegren

April 24, 2015

Turn your Martin D35 sound like a dull Dobro?

Yeah! That's what this plug-in does to my acoustic steel string.

I was sceptical when I read about it, but UA use to surprize me quite often so....

Demoed it - inserted it on an pietzo-recorded ac-guitar channel and it all got totally spoiled.

Didn't matter how the neck and body knobs were blended.

$300 for this one is throwing the bucks in an open fire.

This is the lousiest plugin released by UA of all time.

J. Cox

April 10, 2015

Strange resonances

Using it with my paul reed smith p22. I haven't tried it with any other guitars but with this one it's not great. I'm hoping I can get some use out of this plugin live. Using my studio monitors or headphones I can't get it to not sound odd.

Perhaps through a PA it will sound better.

B. Herle

April 9, 2015

Got some nastyness...

I can't imagine being able to achieve a good result by using this alone. It's got some nasty phasyness going on seemingly with every setting. That being said, blending it with the clean DI track I found it to be helpful in giving it some realism, but that was after spending a lot of time getting a somewhat usable sound out of the plugin first. Not sure if I'd pay much to have this plug in my collection...

K. Dietz

April 6, 2015

Try it on Upright Bass!

Just found a great use for this plugin - I have 6 live performances to mix for a "Live In the Studio" online show. One band has an upright bass. The spill from the drums into the bass mics makes them unusable. Luckily there is a DI from the upright! The DI sounds good on its own, but lacks the "wood" I duplicated the track and popped on Wood Works. It sounds great! Using "The Littlest Giant" preset and tweaking from there. Combined with the straight DI, this saved the day. Works incredibly well! Haven't tried on acoustic guitar DI yet but will be doing so soonest. Try it out on bass/violin/viola DI, it's working great for me!

H. Bourgault

April 1, 2015

surprised !

I'm a good fan of UAD product usually, but here I have to admit that I was really surprise how badly this plug-in sounds. We loose the transients, making a good guitar sound bad.
I think the idea itself is almost impossible to realize, piezzo is not perfect, but it's always possible to add a extra microphone (even a relatively cheap one, cheaper than the plugin anyway).
Anyway, I'm just really surprised on this product really.

T. Monti

March 29, 2015

Way to lame

I can't get this plug to do anything that the demo shows. I really wanted to buy this one just based on principle. I
ve demoed it twice. Just doesn't work. I wish it did. lIf it worked the way it didi in the demo I'd own it now, it just doesn't. Try it first. I can get no difference in sound and I can't get the neck/body, In/out to make any changes, no matter how much I move the knobs.... No change. I am a major fan and have been on board since forever. This is really disappointing.
I have been looking for a reason to buy it...... Can't find one. after 2 demos.

D. Springer

March 26, 2015


I think we can all agree that even the best Piezo pickup still sound a bit wrong so If you want your artist's DI'd acoustic guitar to sound like the real thing then I can tell you that this plug in will make you smile:)

As a FOH mixer that has worked with Acoustic artists for 10 years I can honestly that that this plug in that is a game changer when it comes to getting an acoustic sound that sounds real.

Plus, It's interface is simple so it takes no time to select the appropriate preset and turn it up which is essential for live work.

K. Boyev

March 25, 2015

A solid "meh"

This plug-in can be useful if you are in a hurry and want a basic acoustic guitar track quick and dirty through the onboard electronics. Is it better than $299 worth of microphones? Maybe about equivalent, but then, you don't have to do the work of placing them and perhaps you don't have a decent room to record in. I would definitely demo before you buy. I used it on a Gibson SJ200 with onboard Fishman using straight pickup without any of the models. Still want to run a few more guitars through; I may end up revising this review.

E. Shapiro

March 21, 2015


Slightly better than a piezo DI-ed but not very usable. The body does an okay job and has a woody character but the neck sounds harsh and fake. Used on a practice with full band in the same room and had better results micing the guitar and dealing with the bleed. I guess it's okay for rough mixes but I would never use for a session. A 57 on a real guitar just works better.

UAD User

March 21, 2015

Stray from presets!

This is not one of those plugins you can just plop a preset on and have it sounding good... and your settings will most likely change from song to song. I find that putting a little compression beforehand helps with consistency. Good if you have a terrible sounding room or you are trying to avoid bleed but I will always choose a mic over DI on acoustic in the studio. If you are an singer/acoustic guitarist who likes to record live I highly recommend, you will solve your bleed problem but it does take some work to achieve the right sound.

C. Roets

March 21, 2015

Very useful but does not replace a mic

I found this plugin really useful in a live situation where the alternative would have been a crappy piezo-ish sound, I also found the sound to be more natural than the obvious alternative from a line ...some number less than 7 company. I do however think this does not and will never recreate the sound of a half decent condenser mic even with a bit of ocean way magic, but to be fair this plugin was probably never designed to that anyway.

S. Tanner

March 18, 2015

Top Plug-In for me

For me this plug-in sounds awesome.

It does exactly what it should. I am happy with my Epiphone SST with piezo pick-up and with the plug-in gets this guitar the size I always wanted to have. Even old demo recordings where I played purely directly into the computer now getting a new look and sounds like pro.

I even can make a clean electric guitar so that it sound like a fine acoustic. ;-)

Only one problem: The Preset panoramas are in the wrong place! I want like left the Body and right the neck! Like I^m sitting in front of the Guitarplayer. Also the Drims normaly HiHat more right and Stand Tom left.

G. Griffith

March 9, 2015


This one doesn't deliver usable results for me. I spent a long time demoing this with different guitars, and the results just scream "processed" no matter how long I tweak. The sound has this constant artificial/generated harmonic ring to it that results in painfully (audibly) obvious simulation to me. Something just sounds "off" about the space. It will work in a dense mix or used lightly on a parallel bus (the best result I found), but I think this would give me a headache if used on an acoustic-driven album. Without an expensive microphone emulation to offer (like Ocean Way), it's just as easy to set up a microphone as it is to add this plugin to your chain; I'm sure even the most modest studio can muster better results with the former.

Y. Peretz

March 8, 2015

You should buy a mic instead...

It doesn't sound like the real thing...
So... get a mic . I'm sure that even with sm57 you'll get better results.

D. Colombo

March 8, 2015

Turn Ovation into guitar!

I used this on the DI of Ovation and have to say ti turned out pretty great, It needs some care with the input level and some tweaking, but it is just great on guitars like Ovation where the body is mostly plastic!

R. Parr

March 7, 2015


Just ran the demo version very very impressive, worked great for chording & single notes, truly opens up more possibilities for recording. A must have plugin!

J. Rostrup

March 6, 2015

Ocean Way familiarity

Like the OWS plugin, you need to figure it out. In most cases blend is key.

16 tone settings x neck and body makes 32 + pan + blend with your project.

There is bound to be a setting that's really weird sounding, or maybe that weird
"really-old-one-chord-blues-humming-guy" sound is just what you need to get creative.

More quality plugins like this one thanks.

p. meeks

March 5, 2015

Outstanding Plug for guitar

Even though only out for a day or so to us, this is an outstanding tool. I have been testing it out forward and backward, not to mention the experimentations..... Being the fact that I can use the plug-in after recording my accoustic guitar / guitars, has given me the abilty to pick and chose the sound as never before when I use this plug-in.

Not only can I record my accoustic and keep that track as it is, I can then buss that track once or even twice as I have, and put a different instance setting from the Sound Machine on each track buss. Then mix all of them, verb on one buss, then a bit of delay on the other buss, plus using the pan controls and moving the imagaing between. Pre-amps of sorts and other dynamics....all I can say is WOW!

H. Bleeker

March 4, 2015

Great in Combination with Ocean Ways

This Plug in Works great. I copy the Piezzo-Track and run one of them through the Woodworks and the other one throug the Ocean Ways in re-mic-mode. Then just combining both signals with some panning. Works great

101-120 of 122 Results