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Regular Price: $199.00


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The complete collection of Softube’s world-class guitar and bass amp models.

Developed by Softube, the Amp Room Bundle for UAD-2 hardware and Apollo interfaces offers an unrivaled collection of modern and vintage guitar and bass amplifier emulations. From old-school cool to savage metal, the Amp Room Bundle also sports powerful click-and-drag mic placements to expertly dial in your tones.

Track and mix with the ultimate collection of Softube’s guitar and bass amp emulations

Dial in iconic American and British tones with Vintage Amp Room

Use Metal Amp Room for raw, ultra-aggressive modern distortion tones

Harness Bass Amp Room for dead-on tones of a classic ’70s bass amp

Included Plug-Ins

Vintage Amp Room

Vintage Amp Room

Vintage Amp Room’s three guitar amps — White, Brown, and Green — are meticulously modeled on three iconic 1960’s amps that have earned their place in music history. Better still, Vintage Amp Room lets you “click-and-drag” to audition amps and change the mic position, dramatically altering your tones.

Metal Amp Room

Metal Amp Room

Metal Amp Room features an expertly modeled version of one of the most punchy, aggressive high-gain amps available. With a smooth, articulate high end, near-infinite sustain, and a super fast, super tight gate for palm muting, Metal Amp Room includes two distinct 4x12 cabinet models and adjustable “click-and-drag” stereo mic setup.

Bass Amp Room

Bass Amp Room

Clean and fat, distorted and aggressive, or anything in between, Bass Amp Room gives you a stunning 1970s bass amp model, and three different cabinets to choose from. It also serves up a DI section which can be EQ’ed, compressed, and shaped separately, and mixed in with the miked cabinet sound for maximum versatility.


The complete collection of Softube’s world-class guitar and bass amp models

Click-and-drag mic placements to expertly dial in your tones

Iconic American and British tones with Vintage Amp Room

Metal Amp Room for raw, aggressive modern distortion tones

Bass Amp Room for classic ’70s bass amp sounds

Customer Reviews

Softube® Amp Room Bundle

Overall Rating

J. Manness

July 5, 2022

Great, classic tones on bass and guitar

Using the DI from my TG2, I'm getting awesome tones that are quick to setup.

K. Matzafleris

February 8, 2022

Amazing Sounding Amps

Very decent sounding amps that giving me a variation of amplification on my guitars and basses depending the style a Gonre I'm recording and producing. I also tried to use test those amps at vst instrument guitars and also gave me great results. I'm very happy with every plugin by UAD that I use then 95% at every project I'm doing.

N. Dettenbach

February 12, 2021

nice for fast results...

The Amp rooms are nice for "fast results" - i.e. fast access to different "basic" sounds, ideal for i.e. rehearsal, demos and similiar things or for production tracks where guitar is less prominent or bass is not "prime" (the bass amp room is my fav btw and has some really usable presets/sounds).

Nice too for sound design ("reAmping") for ppl who are less familiar with guitar amping..

But not full on par with (at least some of) the current dedicated UAD amp sims (which allow more tweaking too - but there you have to know what you are doing).

H. Mendez

February 11, 2021

Very usefull

I purshase this one because of the low price but then realize I was using it before any other plugin in my arsenal. Not the its the best, but very use full sound for my type of music. I recomend it.

J. Manuel

January 30, 2021

So awesome

Almost 100% real amp tones. Was very impressed and use them all the time for writing/recording. Let’s put it this way, for making demos of tunes I’m writing it’s a perfect way to lay them down with awesome sounds while doing it in headphones and not bothering other people at home. End of the day though for a finished product album I would definitely use an actual real amp cranked up. All that said, I absolutely love this plugin and it sounds amazing. Buy it!

M. Hayon

October 18, 2020

Great Tool and awesome response

I chose four stars because it is not UNISON and takes a lot of process (I have an Arrow).
Fender Tone is Awesome, better than the de Fender plug-in in my opinion and for my ears. The Marshall sound it's really Good, It works great for rhythm stuff, for soloing I prefer Mic and a real amp, the response it is totally different. Vox amp i don't really like it, but it's ok.
Metal AMPS, are really good, great response and cover a lot of tones.
Bass Amp are simple Great.
it's an awesome tool!

S. Shaw

July 7, 2020

Sounds so good with Unison trick, looking forward to the upgraded!

Today I gave these babies another try. These rooms are combinations of amp and mic'ed cabs. When I demoed it last time, I was simply put it on the chain; but this time I tried the Unison trick: put an amp sim or channel strip on the Unison slot, but disable it -- yes, put it there but disable it. Now we're using Amp Room's amp but the disabled Unison plug is still configuring Apollo's impedance, thus yielding magic from its interaction with the guitar!

Conclusion: Unison is awesome technology, Amp Room sounds awesome. Now I'm waiting for Softube to update this UAD version :)

H. Alfred

July 2, 2020

Nice but not nice enough so far

I own Fenders (135watt twin, tweed champ '54, '58, '63 vibrolux, ~'65 v.reverb, resissue d. reverb) and vintage '63 AC30 TB. While I really like the DEMO clean tone (Vol <2-ish) on the sims for Brown and Green, I can't say the overdriven sounds are realistic to the originals - harsh, fizzy. Not unusable when dialed in but not accurate. Also the Green does not respond to volume "drive" at all like my vintage but maybe mine has had mods along the way or needs recapping (far as I know it's not modded). Also as others have said these do not clean up if at all to guitar volume knob which is almost a deal breaker. I may still buy the plug-in for clean tones, which are very usable but I can run loadboxes on the real thing too. I do not like the white amp at all, though it can be dialed in for a useable tone. So it's not an immediate must buy, not bad but not a replacement by a long shot. It needs to be cheaper to help the decision. Btw, I do like the Bass Amp but I have none real to compare.

V. Koryukov

April 14, 2020

Great sound for my bass)

I like “monitor” bass sound, and for me this plug-in - the best choice: extent sound in mix without “excess” harmonics add.

R. Caruso

December 30, 2019

Best clean fender sound I’ve found so far

I haven’t had time to try it out too much. I instantly found the clean sound with a touch of overdrive that I was looking for.

T. Christensen

December 19, 2019


I love this plugin. Great sound and the variety I need for the many styles of music I record.

D. Flett

November 26, 2019

They’ve done it again!

I delayed getting this plugin because I already have several amp plugins so I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of different sounds this bundle provided. There is something for all tastes. Excellent!

B. Sullivan

November 13, 2019

Another UAD plugin for my guitar playing friends!

Any collaboration between UAD and Softube is a winner in my book! I wanted to stack up this month on guitar/bass plugins for my friends who play those instruments, and I know they are going to enjoy this plugin! Most of the reviews have been very positive, so I just decided to go ahead and purchase this one.

m. hardy

August 31, 2019


Just like the real thing...

P. Bilak

August 18, 2019

P. Bilak


l. wilson

August 14, 2019


Awesome Awesome Awesome

m. stallings

July 14, 2019

simplicity an effort to simplify handling bass, I dusted this off and gave it a try. I own the Ampeg SVT and B-15, and while these are legionary and awesome, I was fiddling with them a bit too much. Ive been working with recording bass through my Century channel strip, then blending the amps in. with this plug in I can dial in a great sound very quickly.
What concerns me is that its very old, ( like me)? But I guess if it sounds good, it is good.
Bottom line....I can dial in a great sound very quickly without having to create a second track. The Hiwatt amp is a cool idea also. Selfishly, Id like to see this updated, but they might over complicate it. As a hobby guy, I have to limit my choices

J. Bell

May 30, 2019

Internal monologue:

me: Hi, I'd like my bass to sound like its going through an amp.
also me: Sure try this.
- Loads Plugin -
me: This sounds like ass!
- Continues tweaking -
me: it doesn't matter where i set any controls, it just sounds bad!?
also me: yeah - I agree; nothing sounds better than this... Like , literally nothing..
End scene.


May 10, 2019

So Realistic and warm

It is like you pull your instrument into the old hardware gear - nice and warm!!!

L. Brown

February 13, 2019

