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Customer Reviews

Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor

Overall Rating

541-559 of 559 Results

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U. Borjesson

November 20, 2012

A new beast!

I usually use the 4K Bus or the P-Bus compressor, sometimes I need to go for an API2500....

The Shadow Hills when I tried it on a tricky mastering and none of the other stuff did really do it, it was good before but something was missing in this particular project....

With the Shadow Hills it just was there, with the Mastering Medium PGM preset and some tweaking I got what I needed, so now I have a new compressor in my setup...

I should say do NOT try it if you don't have the cash:-):-)

The 2 different compressors working as a team in one box and the different output settings (like the Steel:-)) and the 90Hz high pass, well start play it, is a wonderful tool for making well balanced music!

P. Moshay

November 19, 2012

Another Level of Sonic Genius!

Thank You so much for making this plug-in (and hardware). Now that ive used this it's impossible to take it off the channels ive put it on, nothing else can do what this does.
Its a absolute monster on drums! And everything I've tried it on.
Not just compressing, but just running things thru it to color the sound in ways ive not heard a plug in do before.
This is a MUST for me and i highly recommend it..... But once you try it you'll need no convincing

F. Figueira

November 18, 2012


This is truly amazing.
Now we need this baby to the family:

You guys rock, well done.

K. Richards

November 18, 2012

Another Disappointment

Whats going on here?! What happened to the great emulations that you guys are known for?! Even in the demo it doesn't sound like the hardware. Very Disappointing....

L. Kruijssen

November 16, 2012

As all in their own way VERY USABLE!

Owning plenty of UAD plug-ins using them each extensively on each project I wanted this time to contribute with a little more than just words.

No saturation prior fooling whatsoever

Does it sound 100% like the original hardware? I don't own this specific piece of hardware, nor have I ever used it but based on the official promotion video from UA itself I clearly say no and agree there. The hardware briefly heard contains an overall different response within the lows to it, more depth, openness and for that has also accordingly a clear price tag to it. The mid and highs coming way closer, from a mix perspective yes great bang for buck. All known!

Than is for these reasons this plug-in not useful? Hell no!

J. Miguel

November 13, 2012


I am surprised here. I do not have the hardware but ... from the video UA post comparing hardware and software ... by no means they sound the same. It is too obvious!! I mean with that comparison you could trick someone with untrained ears ... but not a decent set of ears. How can UA claim they sound the same. I am surprised here, very surprised because that is a bad indication of quality ... UA has to clear this mess up, they cannot make such claims and then show clearly they are not true. The plug-in is great, but I don´t buy UA just for a great plugin, I buy UA to get the best there is ... and this is not it.

R. Masters

November 9, 2012

Not better or worse then the Neve 3309

I'm not going to buy this compressor because I already have the Neve 3309. Did a A&B and I was able to achieve the same results with the neve 3309. How many compressors do we need by the way? If you already have the 3309 there's no need for this comp. Very subtle differences between the Neve 3309, but not better or worse. I would say the both of them are equivalent.

Try and A&B the Neve 3309 next to this. Then ask your self if you should blow $300 on another compressor.

N. Parfitt

November 8, 2012

the A / B comparison doesn't sound the same..

The tone is completely different on the plugin version. The hardware example sounds better immediately... even on a the web video.

J. Holroyd

November 8, 2012


Just as I manage to save a few quid towards that lovely new lens for my camera you guys go and release this, OK I could have waited but I made the mistake of trying it out today on the 14 day trial. I "cant wait", every day that I don't have this tool is just a waste of time, the difference that this makes is too important.

Thick slabs of chocolatey three dimensional scale and control, beautifully delivered silky edged magic.The guy who gave the bad review on here must have a faulty computer or cloth ears, I still have 12 days before I pay up.

Joe Holroyd Valvetastic Studio

J. Milliet

November 7, 2012


I've never worked with the hardware unit, so I can't say how close it is, but actually it doesn't matter 'cause this plugin is sounding gracefully.

Stereo link option for the controls would be appreciated :)

S. Hurtow

November 5, 2012

Sweet, Sweet Analogue ... All About Choice

Of course I hit the '14-Day Trial' button! It was too impossible to refuse. Third day in and already my ears are pricked up, listening to the nuances. I'm constantly running back and forth between my SSL G Bus Compressor and Shadow Hill's 'Retro Masterpiece'. Here is what I'm hearing so far. Running Shadow Hill, the sound is more 'pillowy'; more 'spongy'. The response holds back and builds more gradually so when the signal passes, the ascend is like a retro airship or a steam locomotive. The SSL G Bus is more like a 1970s 747. The take-off is more solid and determined, giving you a more clear sonic picture as opposed to the dreamy soundscape created by Shadow Hill. At the end of the day, both are outstanding. It's all down to what you want.

I. Duarte

November 5, 2012


This is one of the best compressors I have ever used. Transparent and clean when you need it, and very naughty when the song demands it !
I Just Loved It !

J. Ferraro

November 4, 2012

UA should've done this one instead Brainworx

Short and sweet, this doesn't sound close at all the hardware, nor does it sound particularly remarkable as a plugin in it's own right. It uses less DSP than an instance of the old UAD Precision EQ (under 6%), and sounds like *a lot* of corners were cut - a cursory attempt at making a software model of a sophisticated device. It doesn't sound like a $300 plugin in the least. The score I've given it reflects the rather glaring last of attention to detail and ridiculous price point for a ho-hum plugin like this one. UA would do well to put Bx to task on getting this right in a future update (FOR FREE), as it is easily one of their weakest links right now amid an otherwise pretty impressive line up.

M. Olsen

November 3, 2012

Crap, another plugin I cannot live without.

While I still rely on the Slate FG-X for my heavy gain lifting, I couldn't part with the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor for a single job after hearing it. I'm using it prior to any brick wall limiting and I go for tone over gain. The result is absolutely stunning sounds decidedly more analog with a rounder, more pleasant tone and fullness.

I saw the video showing the comparison between the hardware and software. I agree that the hardware sounded better in the A/B test. But honestly, for me it is irrelevant. There is no question that my masters sound better with this plugin than without. The resulting beauty is epic and not something I am willing to omit.

I am very fond of Dual Mono mode but...


G. Di

November 2, 2012

Very nice!

Demo version started 3h ago, first test on the master bus of a contemporary jazz (acoustic piano trio) session. Was good at first hearing! Same work: switching off the master bus and bouncing tracks.

Opening mastering session and starting work on, bounced audio seems to be glued: smooth and fat, highly defined and dynamic, at the same time!

My ears are saying: "great machine: 5 stars!"

Tested with:
MacBook Retina Mid 2012,
Cubase 6.5
Ua Apollo,
Dynaudio BM6A

C. Martins

November 2, 2012

Impossible to sound bad!

From the clearest and high fidelity sound to the dirtiest and agressive vibe...This plugin fills my day with confidence in the goals i want to achieve.Wonderful piece of gear gentlemen.UA, blind trust in your brand.

D. D

November 2, 2012

UAD strikes again

Wow amazing!! Again!!! #1 plugins of choice...

Looking forward to test it.

J. Williams

November 2, 2012

very very nice

A great addition to the UAD arsenal. Upon downloading I revisited the mixes I currently working on and the results are fantastic. I can tell you this unit is unique and will add "that" sound to your work with ease. For hip hop and rap it and a thick bulbous bottom end while solidifying the entire frequency range. Its very close to the hardware. Great Job!

C. Ross

November 1, 2012

Come out from the shadow

Hi all
I've used the hardware version on only a few projects (only purchased one a month ago) and used it mainly for mastering. The plug in is so close to the original, switching between both in the studio, in most cases it hard to tell the difference. I'm using it on the 14 day trial and no doubt Universal Audio will have an introductory price soon so someone like myself who travels a lot will have access to it on my apple laptop. I couldn't wait to try it on a track i mastered a couple of weeks ago where i had the hardware Manley Massive Passive into the Shadow Hill Compressor into a Ampex ATR102 out into the brickwall of a system 6000. Well I've done the same with the UAD-2 plugins and OMG... AMAZING. BUY IT!!

541-559 of 559 Results