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Customer Reviews

Precision Multiband

Overall Rating

181-200 of 202 Results

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B. De

June 16, 2011

Easy to use and it sounds great, instantly hear the difference.

C. Soulos

May 29, 2011

Not use much, don't like much.
Expensive for the sadly poor workflow of this thing.
The amount of times I've tweaked the wrong knob and wasted a good amount of work means this is gathering dust.
Looks really good, love the demo video, but not as wonderful in real life.
Got bitten by the hype.
I hope UAD remodels the interface one day.
And I don't really like what it does to the sound of my mixes, adds a bit of distortion, so, I suppose, even if they change it, I won't be using it.
I'll never get my money back so no love lost.
I wish I knew what it was good for...
I prefer the Steinberg Multiband. Because it' performs equally as good and completely free to Cubase users and easy.

J. Hohmann

August 19, 2008

I want to share an interesting experience with the precision multiband with you. Last weekend I had 2 blind musicians in my studio. One female singer and a guitarist. The singer had unbelievably fine ears. She was able to hear different length of guitar cables and recognized the shorter cables to sound more open. When we had recorded their song, we mastered the song with my Drawmer S3 and then with the Precision Multiband. They were talking about differences in 1 dB steps, when they turned the gain knobs at the S3.

They said the S3 sounds warmer and fatter especially in the bass, but they prefered the Multiband. "We cannot describe", she said, "but we like the mix with the Multiband more". Hands down, this story ist really true!!!

I really wish Universal Audio would make other multiband tools with such characteristics in the bass. The optimum would be the openess of the Multiband and the bass section of the Drawmer S3. The bass is also the problem of every other multiband compressor. If you have ever compared the Drawmer S3 with a software multiband compressor, you will know what I am talking about.

S. Rauch

May 4, 2008

Unfortunately I have to master my own mixes, cause I don´t work on Pro-Level. When I tried the Demo it was actually the first time that my "limited to death to achieve pro-level-loudness"-Master even so sounded better than the Mix - compared at the same subjective Hearing Level! I immediately started to re-master all mixes I had on my computer at that time with a better result on every song amazingly quick. So far I used Ozone for Multiband Compression Jobs but didn´t get it to sound as smooth as with this, so my experience is different from the guy´s that could work better with Ozone. It´s a matter of taste, I guess...
My advice: Do not try any UAD Demo if you don´t got the money on hand to buy it straight away ;-)

Best Regards!
Cologne, Germany

R. Masters

March 27, 2008

The precision multiband is the best way to control dynamics and even things out…hands down. If you don’t know how to use one now would be a good time to learn. It will keep original mix natural. If you use an IOZEN compressor it will sound punchy but artificial. Not all ways a bad thing. But if you want to hold on to as much natural acoustics as possible go with this one.

D. Danzi

November 1, 2007

One of the best and most used multi-comps I own. Easy to use and loaded with options. When you need to hone in on certain frequencies and fully control them, this is the tool to use.

A. Vax

October 26, 2007

i change Mackie Final Mix to Precision Multiband.
And now i have clear sound.

D. Ralph

August 23, 2007

Probably one of the most perfect mastering plugs you can really buy.
I've used a few MBC in my time, the one i use most is Logics Multipressor.
First things first, what do i hate about it? Actually not much! Not being able to change the crossovers via a drag is miopic (suddenly gets embarassed, can you change it like that?) Having to type in numbers is too clinical, sometimes you just wanna drag it and see if it sounds good!

Overall that is very much my view on this plug; clinical, more clinical than a room full of proctologists.
However, thats not a minus point, it's just simply it's personality.
Most of the time i 2bus through the 33609 because i'm still in awe of how it manages to reduce dynamics so beautifully, but at times i do like to have a little more spectral control, which is of course where the MBC truly comes to life.

So if it's a multiband compo you want get this one! It's pretty much as good as i have heard, just think of it more like a tool that processes sound rather than a piece of musical equipment.

D. Craighead

July 15, 2007

This Multibandcompressor is just amazing. Always using it on any track and it ALWAYS sounds way better than without. The good thing is that it doesn't color the sound at all, it just underlines the groove and expands the frequency spectrum so you can use it in your mix OR for the mastering process, in both worlds it does it job really damn good!

T. Makitalo

September 17, 2006

PM Is one of my most wanted plugins ever, I couldn't even dream someday to get my hands on something that sounds like this little dream machine =)
When combined to Precision EQ and Limter this is all i need in the future mastering projects.
This is awesome plugin when used in mastering or as an track FX and i use it on all my mastering projects.
Thank you UA and UAD software team for making this dream possible !

G. Arend

April 4, 2006

A good sounding, reliable and (compared to other multiband-comps) easy to use plugin, IMHO far better than Waves' range of multiband-comps, but also *far* inferior to the sound-quality and flexibility of Izotope's Ozone 3. Not a must-have, but nice ...

K. Matar

March 30, 2006

hay guys !.. i ordered the Precision Multiband Plug-In for UAD-1 befor 30min. all what i want to say its Simply KILLER KILLER KILLER smooth Sound Smart multiband Compressor and dont feel when u hear the Tracks there is a Multiband prossesing the sound like another plugins like MD3 for tc electronics. The Precision Multiband is Great sound - love your ears & great smart details . really i love it and love Universal audio Uad-1 plugins . anothing important somthing UAD-1 is the lonely company give 14 day trial to try his plugins for free. sure !! bcz thay know that each 1 will buy any new plugin . thanks for u Universalaudio . ;)

S. Chury

March 18, 2006

Very good plug-ins! I won't enter in to the debate UAD against Poco, just I tested both and i think i'll purchase both 'cuz the latest MD3 of Tc and this little jewel are just so different! For my ears, i found tc more punchy and fat, yet UAD multiband is definitely more subtle and respective to your material making all sound warmer and balanced. The incredibly good point of Poco is to be able to process your mix in m/s mode and this gives such a great "glue" to your mix (that's why i put 4 of 5). That's the only implimentation i wished to see in PM. But hey, we are talking of different money also (Poco MD3 is several times more expensives et veeeeeeeery hungry on your ressources). So, it's a real must buy for the owners of UAD! Highly highly recommended!

T. Pistore

March 13, 2006


T. Senghore

January 13, 2006

This is absolutely the best plugin i have ever encountered. So simple yet so effective. My tracks have never sounded so good. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

E. Fryland

January 6, 2006

Now, to say that the tc master x3 sounds better than this PM is frightening stuff.
I'm glad I dont have this guys ears. I have now unplugged my TC powercore Firewire completely as the Master X3 was the last plug-in I was actually using on it.

Still the idea of an external box connected via Firewire containing 3 or 4 DSP chips is utter BRILLIANT, and I still think that UA should learn from that !!!!!!! (even more now, since the terrible Waves plug-ins have now seen the light.)

S. Pastore

December 31, 2005

Since I started to use my UAD1 for my dance tekno and house production ( label presstore) I've changed my studio mixing processing way!!
the power of this "card" is incredible and i'm sure that PM can't give up my expectative. Thank you UA.


December 29, 2005

Sorry to say it, but Tc master x3 smoked the PMB! TC finalizer sound much more punchy and warm. I've compared them on a few tracks but the tc finalizer sounded better 9 time out of 10.
Pretty nice GUI though. I like also the solo button on each band, but overall i was quite disappointed with this plug.

D. Riggs

December 27, 2005

I am afraid that this is a must buy. I have been using the demo with some old tracks in Soundforge together with the Precision Equaliser and the Precision Limiter. Talk about fairy dust! The presets give you such a good start that it is almost impossible to go wrong. I had one track with an unruly bass that the Precision Multiband tamed without taking the life out of the music....on the contrary it now sounds exactly as I wanted in the first place.
All we need now is a really good delay plug-in.
How about licencing one of the fab PSP delays? Now that would really complete the line up.

J. Legler

December 26, 2005

You guys are killing me. I get to thinking I don't need to buy anything else and then you release this kind of thing and I find myself giving you more of my money. You've definately earned it though. This is incredible.

181-200 of 202 Results