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Customer Reviews

Precision Buss Compressor

Overall Rating

61-80 of 98 Results

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D. Kane

March 12, 2013

A really nice Buss Compressor.

I've been using this on my main buss and it's been stellar. Very nice to have a mix control - very handy, indeed. I'm not using it for pumping or deep compression effects, just as a nice gentler 2:1 before the Limiter and it's fantastic! I've been able to achieve a nice balance of headroom and volume.

S. Xenokottas

February 26, 2013

Precision Buss Compressor Plug-In

An absolutely brilliant bus compressor, sounds just so good!!!

D. Wray

February 7, 2013


I can highly recommend the precision buss compressor, Its one of my favorite plug ins to use on drums. I make a lot of deep/house records, and for me the biggest sell point is the ability to control your compression with the smoothest of controls! .
Perfect for glueing sounds, New york/parallel Compression, among other sonic duties like mastering.

J. Luckhurst

February 5, 2013

Good Bus Compressor

Got this to mix through. Adds a certain tightness and punch to my mixes. The mix control is a useful feature as is the filter to stop bass heavy events pulling the rest of the mix level down. A/B'd it to the SSL, and found it to be cleaner with less 'mojo' - I know 'mojo' s preferable in a lot of situations, but when everything in your mix has already plenty, what you need is good clean control. and that's exactly what the Precision Buss compressor gives you.

L. Malaguti

January 18, 2013

PBC:Great Compressor...

a nice "glue" compressor, clean and transparent ...
one of the things I appreciate most about this plugin is that preserves the stereo image, unlike other buss compressor software.

V. Yakovenko

January 6, 2013

Precision Buss Compressor Plug-In

i use this plugin on the group tracks ans on mastering. it gives realy truth compression, without touching reverbs and any ambience in the mix

F. Medina

January 4, 2013

Precission Buss Compressor

Well, I liked this one because of its versatility.
Pretty accurate like the other precission plug-ins, and you have almost the same
options that you will find in every buss compressor.
BUT, it has the FILTER that allows you to select the frequency from the buss compressor will start to compress and leave the same all the frequencies that are
under the frequency chosen on the FILTER option. IT'S AWESOME.
And it has the MIX option that lets you make a parallel compression if you want.
You can compress heavily but the signal doesn't become harsh...
The meters are very accurate and sensitive.
Excellent plug-in :D

A. Kasirivu

December 26, 2012

the soft touch

i call it the soft touch compressor cause it gives a soft touch to everything it touches... works well on raw ruff mixdowns and smoothes out the kinks

S. Pheng

December 22, 2012

Great quality buss compressor plug-in on the market.

Precision buss compressor plug-in gives me the ease of use and precision with clean and loudness of audio. It is a great quality buss compressor plug-in form Universal Audio. I like this plug-in very much and strongly recommend to friend and people who is looking for the precision tool in the audio mixing environment.

B. Armand

December 19, 2012

good settings

This one is new in my plugins collection and I find it very versatile, easy to use when you want to do gentle compression, seems to be great too for hard compression effects.
And the filter knob is a good idea for master bus, so music doesn't pump and gets extra density..

S. Crane

December 17, 2012

Precision Series

As always, it does precisely what it says on the tin...

...however, I'm now beginning to think I should've bought the Precision Limiter instead.

This plug-in operates near silently, unless you really push it to stupid limits, but I still can't tame some snare shots without compromising the track's overall sonics.

That's probably more a criticism of me and my choice of sounds during tracking than with the UAD Precision Buss Compressor.

Ah well, always learning...

G. Annett

September 12, 2012

Buss compressor..........

I like to "mix through" a compressor as I do not get the opportunity to visit the "creation station" on a daily basis. It is a far more predictable way to work given the random periods in between sessions and subjectively "works for me".
The PBC is probably best described as a catalyst for the best part. Ticking over it just homogenises the various components of the mix imparting little "flavour". Transients remain crisp and the sound gains a pleasant density (which is where I like it best), and also without too much make-up gain ample crest factor can be retained.
If you want to get it angry, it does this in a very musical way......Hi-pass filter prevents pumping when needed. Simply stunning. G

I. Duarte

August 21, 2012

Nice compression

I still haven't figured out exactely what to do with it...

D. Turney

August 3, 2012

I have a beautiful Yamaha C7 piano in my studio that I record often, and I've tried many different compressors on it, but they all have issues. The Precision Buss Compressor is the only plugin that I have found that will tame the dynamics of a performance on my piano without poorly affecting the original signal. I highly recommend!!

J. Wenisch

July 22, 2012


R. Marcotte

July 8, 2012

My favorite mix buss compressor by far! After trying a hanfull of the popular competitors, I've finally settled on the UAD Buss comp! It doesn't have that "hard" SSL style sound or a round sound..or any kind of sound for that matter, it just stays out of the way and does what it's supposed to. You get precision control over your transients with virtually no coloration. Only the essential components and knobs with no gimmicky features, which makes it a snap to use!!

L. Germano

July 5, 2012

I really enjoyed the UAD Precision Buss, the sound is very good, like SSL Buss. Approved!

J. Veron

June 13, 2012

Well, I just was trying to find a real transparent but powerful compression. And guess what: PBC was just what I needed! It seems to be unreal that you could reduce even more than 15 dBs without any distortion (on clean sounds, of course).
Great purchase, awesome results.

H. Seven

May 10, 2012

Hello UADTeam,
yes its a amazing plugin.
Very useful.
I use it in every production in my music style.(House Music)
Its great in a bus but also in the master channel!!

best regards


C. Hilding

June 30, 2011

A very transparent buss compressor for when you don't want an overly colored sound, complete with an absolutely fantastic GUI. For even more transparent compression, you can even filter out bass from the incoming key/tracking signal so that the compressor doesn't react to bass frequencies, which is very handy. The Precision Buss Compressor is VERY similar to the renowned Sonnox Dynamics compressor in both transparency and sound, but I GREATLY prefer the Precision Buss Compressor, as it not only sounds as good (or better), but also has a few more controls along with its absolutely incredible interface. Need transparent compression? Then this is the best offering in the plugin business.

61-80 of 98 Results