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Customer Reviews

Manley® Massive Passive EQ

Overall Rating

21-40 of 696 Results

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L. Deane

January 5, 2022

Lama Steve

On a mix just turn the knobs till you find what you want to boost or cut. Then see if the shelf or bell works it's magic ! Use ears not number or lights ! Move to the center and control gain, high and low pass ! Move it around in the plugin order and find the spot ! Done.

A. nicolas

January 3, 2022

resizeable plugin 2022 you can do it !

can you update all your plugs and make the GUI resizable like the console , you can do it on the console so why not on the plugs, would be nice of you ;) , otherwise plugs are cool

S. Harris

December 29, 2021

Great but heavy on CPU

can't compare to the hardware, but sounds smooth and refined. only drawback is the amount of cpu it uses.

N. Merrick

December 28, 2021

Manley Massive Passive

I love all of the Manley products!

D. Chin-Sang

December 27, 2021

Massive eq

Has very good control and can shape well. Not exactly the same overall tone of the real Manley.

C. Hunter

December 20, 2021


What was I waiting for....amazing!!!! Just get it!!!!

R. Stokes

December 16, 2021

Works with console one

With the update I can now have my tape, massive passive and vari mu on my console one as one channel strip. Very powerful.

C. Szekely

December 12, 2021

Love the sound, UI way too small

I bought the Massive Passive EQ plug-in to use for color EQ on a master chain. I instantly loved the sound I was getting out of some of the presets and found it relatively easy to tweak. I compared it to a lot of different EQ plug-ins including the Chandler Curve Bender but preferred the overall sound of the Manley. (I did, however, end up buying and using the FabFilter Pro-Q3 exclusively for both color and corrective EQ-ing in my master chain because it was just so very surgical.) One negative for the Manley is that the user interface is WAY too small for how many details are on the panel. I find this to be true with all UAD plugs and UA desperately needs to start offering resizability. I probably won’t use the Manley how or as much as I had originally intended, but I will more than likely use it on certain instrument channels similar to how I use the Pultec on my vocal channels. I probably wouldn’t have bought it had I settled first on the FF Pro-Q3 but I’m glad I have it for options.

G. Tasnádi

December 10, 2021

Massive Passive

Best colorizing EQ ive ever used.

D. Davis

December 7, 2021

Really great sounding EQ for mixbus and other uses. Manley is cool.

What more can be said, great tone. The top end of this EQ is really cool sounding, as is the thump of the low end. Really like both versions. I bet I could just run the signal through this plug without turning a knob and stuff would sound better. lol.

A. Byallo

October 31, 2021

This is the secret sauce on all my tracks

Unbelievable sound. I put this gently on the master buss and it just brings everything to life in a very sexy, velvety way. Secret sauce, no doubt. One of my favorite plugins.

O. Olajide

October 11, 2021

A must have for mix and mastering Engineers

This has become the go to mastering Eq plugin for us in Sophia Studios. It brings to life elements within the mix and makes vocals to be upfront. We have bypassed one of our outboard Eq for this plugin! All we can say is that it is wonderful, I hope one day we will be able to AB it with the real hardware unit it was emulated on

B. Vladimir

September 21, 2021

I love it!

I use it for mastering. Must have!

UAD User

September 20, 2021

A must-have for Mastering and for Rock/Metal songs

Remarkable EQ, I'm blown away. This is a must-have for Mastering, and also if you mix a lot of Rock & Metal like I do. I've experimented with many different digital EQs from many different companies and whenever I'd try adding boosts (e.g., anything maybe 300Hz or greater) to distorted guitars (or to a mix containing distorted guitars), the resulting sound was kind of harsh/gritty. Not the Manley EQ. This is an amazing technological accomplishment by Universal Audio.

M. Johannes

July 31, 2021

Massive Passive Active

A cool tool for home & professional recording studio for the acceptable price !!!

K. Beleznay

July 16, 2021

Good EQ from Manley.

A good tool for the right task! I love!

L. Tian Siung

July 14, 2021

must have

Sounds beautiful, especially on Piano and Acoustic Guitar

J. Revell

July 13, 2021

Manley Massive Passive EQ

I did an A/B with the Precision EQ and preferred the Manley. The Rock and U&D
presets seemed to preserve the drum sounds better for mastering.

B. Tochilin

July 3, 2021

Works pretty well

I am usually not a fan of UA plugins as all. Most stock plugins that come with DAWs for free sound much better than most UA plugins. I have a hardware MP. When that is in use I do use this plulgin. It does a pretty good job. Not 100% like the original but close enough for small stuff. I have no idea why UA still process audio though the UA hardware. This add an additional 20ms or so of latency rendering this useless during tracking. Wake up UA it is 2021 computers are fast enough switch to native Ilok so we do not have latency anymore.

D. Kuchta

July 2, 2021

A wishlist plugin that will not disappoint you.

The Manley Massive Passive EQ is very subtle yet effective EQ plugin that can make any mix shine. I use it on everything!

21-40 of 696 Results