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Customer Reviews

Precision K-Stereo Ambience Recovery

Overall Rating

81-100 of 267 Results

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J. Moore

May 15, 2018



p. gaucher

April 12, 2018

très utile pour les mastering maison

je ne prétends faire le travail d'un véritable ingénieur de mastering dans un studio digne de ce nom, mais chez moi ça le fait parfaitement pour finaliser divers projets, avec une profondeur et une largeur de son que j'obtenais difficilement jusqu'ici !

b. head

April 9, 2018

We are using every time.

A. Dingley

April 4, 2018

Very specific application, but very useful

I had some audio restoration work to do... so I was excited to use this on some overly-roomy dialog to dry it up a bit, and I'll say this: It's definitely doing the work... but it's very subtle, even at the more extreme ends of the dial. So my expectations were a little bit out of line with what it really does... but it's definitely a good plug-in for changing the room-character of recorded material. I like it quite a bit for what it can do to stereo drums / overheads... Also, on a badly recorded chamber orchestra...

M. Pearson

April 3, 2018

Well I love it

I really like what this does , I use it on mastering, and sometimes on drum bus, It really brings things alive.

I. Semenov

February 8, 2018


It's really magic key for missing depth and width. No phase movement. Clear and smooth.

J. Muren

January 12, 2018


Use this every day in my project

D. Russell

October 23, 2017

Does what it says on the tin, better than anything else out there!

As with all the other Universal Audio software, it out shines all the competitors. I was using another plugin to widen my tracks until I demoed this. The Precision K-Stereo retired said plugin. If you are into serious A-B of plugins like I am, this is top of the class. Cheers!

c. sears

October 2, 2017

Give Your Mix A Wider Sound

Although I am fairly new to the apollo hardware, I have found a few plugins that serve very specific purposes... This is one of those plugins. If you need to add that extra "width" to your mix, this plugin is really good at getting the job done! If you are looking for a plugin to change the way your mix sounds completely... Look elsewhere (Mastering eq...etc.).

This plugin has a very specific purpose... Which is making your mix sound wider, if that is what you are looking for, this sucker will do the trick, just keep your expectations realistic, and as most will tell you on the site... DEMO IT FIRST lol.

E. Andras

September 15, 2017

Good M/S gear

The Mid/Side Gain function is very useful but other sections (ambience, ambience eq filter) are just hyped promotions.

J. Siket

September 9, 2017

A unique and good sounding plugin!

We know that Bob Katz is a popular and published mastering engineer. I've read sections of his book and it's quite good. Funnily enough, I "cold-called" him about 10 or 12 years ago to ask him a question concerning master clocks. He picked up the phone and was very helpful!
Anyway, I decided to give the K-Stereo a try during a mix I was doing tonight. The track had an electric bass that was recorded with artificial reverb, and there was no "dry" track in the session--only wet. I was really looking for something to remove ambience as to get some more presence for the bass. I tried the Transient Designer and a host of other "fixes" to no avail. Finally, I accepted the fact that I was stuck with this wet sound, so I decided to go towards wet intend of away from. I inserted the K-Stereo before any eq and compression, but after a high-pass filter in the beginning of the fx chain. After demoing all the presets, I A/B'd between "Rock Tight Bass" and "Dark Ambience." I settled on "Dark Ambience." The K-Stereo made the bass just sound better and actually put the bass into a believable space! Cool! I can't wait to try it out in more situations. Thanks.

E. Bugnut

August 1, 2017

Always On The Mix Buss

This ends up on the mix buss for 90% of the mixes I perform. Things just sound better with it turned on and tuned to it's default setting. Occasionally, I'll engage the HPF but not often.

b. henry

July 21, 2017


This plugin puts a rainbow over your horizon.

M. A

July 14, 2017


I lost weight and gain muscles , ear muscles from this stereo field DIAMOND !!

K. Rushworth

July 14, 2017

Brings a little more life to vocals

I use this on some vocals and it helps with just that extra bit of zing I need to bring certain songs to life.

H. Engstrom

July 14, 2017

Great mix/master tool

Super intuitive and a breeze to use. It's one of those plugs/boxes that makes life a lot easier. I'll add this one to my top 5.

M. Fletcher

July 12, 2017

If used on the right things.......

K Stereo can be a life saver for some mixes. Others it ruins. I had a very dense, fairly mono master that I had struggled to make sound attractive. Put the k-stereo on and it sorted all the flatness out. Other mixes it can destroy. Use at about -4 and check on headphones

M. A

June 30, 2017


This one is a must have

D. Holden

June 24, 2017

missing link

this plugin has to be the missing link when mastering !

UAD User

June 24, 2017



81-100 of 267 Results