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Customer Reviews

Harrison® 32C / 32C SE Channel EQ

Overall Rating

21-40 of 233 Results

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D. Martineau

July 13, 2020

That missing texture

This EQ gave me that missing texture I've been looking for on so many things. For me it's less about the frequency control and more about the grain and texture that it adds to the signal path.

B. Sullivan

July 1, 2020

Will my mixes sound like Bruce Swedien's mixes?

My mixes will NEVER, EVER sound like those of the the great Bruce Swedien, but at least I have a plugin tool that will help me develop my mixing footprint! Thanks Universal Audio for a great plugin at a great price!

C. Stansbury

July 1, 2020

Underrated EQ

This EQ is one of the most underrated EQ's UA has. It may not be in UA's top seller list or the most talked about but it's simply one of the best sounding EQ's available. Very musical sounding. I also own the Pultec and Neve EQ plugins as well and I find myself going to this more. Great Plugin!

I. Mikulic

June 29, 2020


This is just an amazing eq. Love it.

L. Duffell

June 25, 2020

This EQ has something special

Forget the specifications, forget the theory. Forget for a moment just how smart we have all become. Close you eyes and listen to this EQ do it's work. Maybe just maybe there really is some magic left in the world :)

C. Jaeggi

June 23, 2020


Ok, so this is my eq now, I'm chucking the rest. It's so analog sounding, takes away all harshness, and the highs are reiculously sweet. Just inserting it to a track changes everything, bypass bad, on, great!

A. Luchsinger

June 7, 2020

incredible sweet EQ

incredible sweet EQ that i use many times on every mix. in my ears there are not many Eq's that sound as sweet as the Harrison 32C. Boost the highs just a little bit and it gives you the air you are looking for or it can thicken up signal to make it big and impressive. Really in love with it!

K. Frost

May 31, 2020

Hidden Gem, small footprint.

Very easy to use. Really good presets, and plenty of them. Works great on carving out space. Used it to cut a small bell on Bass Guitar at 62hz, it let the kick come through really good, and no harm to the Bass track.

R. Gun

April 19, 2020


A different taste to the now common Neves.
A gentle one, set +4 dB an you think nothing happened, but you got a better sound.
4 Bands that overlaps, neat.
And those fine highs, lovely.
DSP is acceptable low.
Beside the 1081 my second favorite for mix (and also for master)

J. Manness

March 7, 2020

Flip the phase for extra sweetness

I spent the past two nights demoing analog EQs on the stereo bus, and the Harrison 32C won out big time! To me, it beat out the Manley Massive Passive and Neve EQs for color, low-end tightness and 3D depth. For some reason, flipping the phase brought everything a little more forward, tightened the low end and added sparkle to the top. I'd say the vintage Neves and API Vision EQs are quicker to dial-in, but the Harrison EQ gives you more tone and clarity. It's also cheaper than the others!

N. Gureev

January 25, 2020

Try it & but it

I’ll tell you how to demo this plugin. Are you ready?
Put it on the source that already sounds good and doesn’t necessarily need eqing (maybe because you already did eq it), start boosting 3k with this thing, smile and add it to cart.
You’re welcome)
I dont know how but uad managed to create an eq that doesnt really sound like eq. It just sounds like you’re changing the sound at the source. And thats pretty damn impressive. I need to spend more time with this thing (already bought it) but mid range and the area around 3k (which a lot of times ends up being harsh) definitely sounds incredible on this thing

G. Baker

January 23, 2020

My favorite guitar eq

This gives the perfect finish on guitar. Surgically removed harsh high end or digital noise, without dulling your tone. It’s a must for me on every guitar track or bus. Warm and useable highs, tight lows and natural wide mids. The best.

m. gilmer

July 16, 2019

Harrison EQ 32C Changed the way I mix

I'm a mixing engineer and have been an SSL guy for years and have mixed on SSL 4K boards. I started using the Harrison EQ plugin in Pro Tools about a year ago. I loved it so much that I have moved from Pro Tools HD to the Harrison Mixbus 32C. All of my UAD plugins work and sound fabulous in it. And I have the Harrison 32C EQ on every single channel.

R. Polson-Lahache

July 15, 2019

There's a sound to this one!

Was reluctant to try another eq but there was a sale and now this is my fav eq for pushing and pulling broad frequencies. There's lot of colour to this eq despite being an older plugin. Doesn't matter tho, just try it for yourself and make your own judgments. In my opinion its a 5 outta five!

N. Smith

July 7, 2019

Very useful, musical eq

Love the harrison. It is now my go-to eq for individual channels. It has a great sound, very clean high end. I like that it is not a dsp hog. One of my favorites by uad.

k. gilleaga

June 25, 2019

Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ

This eq is the only eq that does what all the software makers say that they do.
it sounds and responds as though you are on a desk. i mean the other night i stayed up
really fighting it out with the massive passive and the Harrison EQ.
Harrison won outright. The reasons being that on a track this beats the Manley, you can get your sound in 3 minutes flat without leaving your vibe. you must simply have this eq
to hand no matter what music you do. It is so fast so pleasing that it literally tunes up
your mixing, and thats the thing a lot have lost with software. solid five stars you get this you'll put five stars.

k. gilleaga

June 25, 2019

Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ

This eq is the only eq that does what all the software makers say that they do.
it sounds and responds as though you are on a desk. i mean the other night i stayed up
really fighting it out with the massive passive and the Harrison EQ.
Harrison won outright. The reasons being that on a track this beats the Manley, you can get your sound in 3 minutes flat without leaving your vibe. you must simply have this eq
to hand no matter what music you do. It is so fast so pleasing that it literally tunes up
your mixing, and thats the thing a lot have lost with software. solid five stars you get this you'll put five stars.

K. McCormack

June 9, 2019

Great, musical EQ

It just sounds great on drums, bass... I seem to have to fiddle endlessly with other EQs to get musical tones, but the Harrison EQ just seems to hit the sweet spot, the variable Q works beautifully, no phasing artefacts even when pushing it hard. My old engineer pal Jimmy Henshaw (ex VIPs lead guitarist, a pal of Chas Chandler, once asked to audition to play bass with Jimi Hendrix) had a Harrison desk in his studio... so now I know why. My favourite EQ in the box, esp. for snare!

N. Steele

April 21, 2019

Clarity and warmth

But somehow at the same time? This may have just become my favorite sounding EQ in the entire UAD-2 lineup.

i. sözüer

January 22, 2019

Love it

must have. I fell in love with the plugin. very clean and easy to use

21-40 of 233 Results