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Customer Reviews

FATSO™ Jr./Sr. Tape Sim. & Compressor

Overall Rating

421-440 of 480 Results

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C. Brezlan

June 21, 2012

There are not much to say .... Fatso makes any digital sound Analouge brings warmth to any sound and has a super compression. It can only recommend it.

J. Gilpatrick

June 19, 2012

Great sounding unit, lots of warmth. Great job guys.

D. Mizuta

June 13, 2012

It really sounds warm and fat, one of the most usefull tools in my UAD collection!

F. Tavares

June 12, 2012


S. Bushman

May 29, 2012

Single best UA plugin ever IMO. no other software processor comes close. I have gotten to know the sound of rich harmonic content imposed by transistors, transformers and tubes. While subtle it's so distinct that once you hear it you'll always identify it in a heartbeat.

Since I started collecting preamps like my Neve, API, John Hardy boxes I have enjoyed listening for their character in recorded music and I love to hear that goodness these types of designs impart.

This plugin does that! REALLY! it's not just reminiscent of analog adds that smooth, buttery character that makes your source sound like it's covered in molten chocolate. Even transients behave the same! You may not hear it at first, but once you do....!

K. Sheikh

April 24, 2012

I readily admit I do not have "golden ears", which is probably why I love this plug-in so much - because it is so blatant! What it does to drums, guitars and vocals really adds weight and crunch to the sound. It can even have a corrective effect on clattering drum machines, taming their spikiness and making them easier to balance within the rest of the instruments in a mix. On the master bus, it does that "glue" thing that so many people talk about - it makes a multitrack recording sound like a complete mix. It is a bit of a resource hog, but I find too many instances tend to mush things up a bit too much. Overall, another top plug-in from Universal Audio.

J. Heil

April 20, 2012

use this to make sounds SO FAT! and that is the end of the story....

G. Palmutti

April 16, 2012

Great compressor, great fatness, great plugin..!!!

G. Tisdale

March 30, 2012

No other plugin in the world will give you the warmth and punch that you get from the UA Fatso! I rely heavily on my plugins and UA plugins are a permanent staple in all of my mixes.

A. Oye

March 28, 2012

After 1 minute of demoing this on the master bus I was's as close to real magic as you can get.
Andrew Oye

J. Fischer

December 22, 2011

Ok so I admit, ive only tried the demo since I just picked up my first UAD card. But I could tell within 10 min of using this plugin that it really is that good. I slapped this baby on the output bus of a test track I put together a while back and everything really just came together. I compared the mxidown using this plug to some mixdowns using other saturation plugins and the mix with this was by far the best. Took a break and compared again..yep...still easily the best. I know what my next plugin purchase is!

P. Putzolu

September 4, 2011

My go-to Plug-In for the snare drum. I just can't resist to make use of the warm and close to analogue sounding fatness on guitar and bass tracks also. Get this little fat maker!

I. Komlinovic

July 19, 2011

This thing really blows away! I tryed it on different sources(it works great on drums, vocals, even guitars), but using it on master bus. Fatso is probably first high end plufin that could fool me on blind test. I would never guess such warm andn sound can be pulled out of DSP card!
As a producer of dance music I find Fatso greatest new weapon in my arsenal, and missing link from digital production to analog sound.

C. Hilding

June 30, 2011

An absolutely FANTASTIC sounding compressor with THE most pleasing warmth algorithm I have ever heard in a plugin. It adds a very airy, pleasing distortion to the source material, which seems to reside above the original material by adding new harmonics instead of distorting the source frequencies. The result is that you can warm/distort tracks WITHOUT making the bass all muddy. This is one of few solutions to give you clean distortion without making the bass lose definition. An absolutely vital tool, and I use it in combination with my actual EL7 FATSO. It is that good!

T. Trochimczuk

June 29, 2011

Oustanding. Tracks after FATSO are warm, fat and glue with other better in the mix.

R. Romano

June 22, 2011

fatso jr is great. Often use it on kick drum and bass and also on the master if dosed properly. Everything sounds more analog.

A. Norris

June 21, 2011

Studer A80 and the SONY APR5003 are two analogue recorders I've used for mastering since the mid 1990's. My beloved APR is now in the garage - couldn't quite bring myself to sell it - ever since the FATSO arrived!

As an integral stage of mastering prior to final limiting or as the final stage of my recording chain the FATSO has given me the same sonic results as I was achieving on tape - without all the alignment, cleaning and tape cost. Add to that immediate recall of favoured settings and it's difficult to imagine returning to tape.

The "Senior" parameters remind me of the Distressors from EL and I must admit it was the added control offered by the model of Dave Derr's own modifications that eventually sold me. I was intending to purchase the UBK FATSO modified by Gregory Scott in NY until my research brought me to the digital arm of Universal Audio.

Cost was also an issue and although I still use analogue hardware in my studio the ability to have 4 simultaneous instances of the UAD FATSO Snr as opposed to a single stereo unit was a significant factor.

The LPF elements of the "Warmth" circuit are wonderful, allowing dynamic roll off of overt top end frequencies that can often be "brittle" and "cold," whilst the ability to independently control the Low Frequency Saturation is an aspect I never had with tape. The FATSO is the first reason I invested in the UAD system - now I have expanded my selection of modelled devices it is clear it shall not to be the last.

Thank you Universal Audio for a beautiful tool in shaping my precious audio.

J. Rio

June 19, 2011

I just love it!
I do mostly rock/metal productions and the Fatso is the best tool to get a heavy/punchy guitar sound!

M. Slater

June 19, 2011

I love this thing. It will add presence to your sound and bring a sound buried into mix up front and in your face. Sounds Brilliant. Legacy -

G. Smagorinsky

June 19, 2011

Color, saturation, fatness, more color... This is what my drums had missed until I put FATSO on my bus channel. There is no other such quick and quality possibilities in the digital world today to get this warm analog sound.

421-440 of 480 Results