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Customer Reviews

Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection

Overall Rating

701-720 of 739 Results

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F. Ribeiro

December 17, 2013

melhor compressor de plugins q ja usei

o melhor compressor na versão plugins q utilizei!!!!! simplesmente fantastico

S. Adams

December 17, 2013

Top of the Game

Can get to where you want real fast! really liking side chain options, Damn you Universal Audio gonna have to get a Octo Card real soon.

I. Johansson

December 17, 2013

Fair child has grown up

Got myself a new fav bus plug with the 660.
All new remakes of the legacy plugins are
Worth the upgrade so far. :-) Thanks UAD an
Keep up the great work !!!

M. Mathieson

December 16, 2013

Pretty Cool

I didn't use the legacy version that much, but the new ones are noticeably better. I use them quite a bit.

Even with no compression it adds depth and definition I could be imagining this, but I don't think so, it's pretty clear.

the mix knob and sidechain knob are also incredibly useful.

this basically crushes any other fairchild emulation i've tried.

R. Elliott

December 16, 2013

Loooove this!

I used the Legacy version quite a bit in the past but this is a huge upgrade. This sounds absolutely amazing on everything. I really use this bad boy on overheads, acoustic guitar, and on the 2 bus. I also like to use it on a backup vox bus to tighten the vox without coloring the sound too much. I know the word "warm" is thrown out there quite a bit but for a plugin but this is a truly warm sounding plugin.

Bravo UAD!

R. Wawoe

December 16, 2013

UAD has done it again!!

This collection is a "must have" for any Fairchild 660/670 lover.
I've used the Legacy version in every mix I have done since it came out. When UAD released this collection, I was skeptical of how much better this version would sound, so I put it to the test in a current mix. I was so blown away by it that I purchased it within the hour. The extra features and sonic improvements are such a deal for the price.
UAD you've done it again. Bravo!!!

Robert Wawoe
Chief Mix Engineer
The Mix Labs

B. Eli

December 14, 2013

Fairchild Plug ins

Having worked with hardware versions many times,I can truly say that the new plug in faithfully re creates all of the nuances of the hardware version to a T..and then some.
Bobby Eli
The Grooveyard

F. Jordan

December 13, 2013

Fairchild Tube Collection

I have a production studio. Purchased this plug-in a month ago and I am well pleased with it. Easy to use and it makes a big difference in the quality of my work. Thanks again UA...

S. Leiweke

December 13, 2013

Could this be better than the real thing?

It might be.

I have been lucky enough to use a Fairchild. A friend brought one to my studio one day after having his serviced so I could help make sure it was functioning correctly. After having it here for weeks, I didn't think I could live without. When it left, I was sad.

UA's new Fairchild Collection has brought the smile back to my face that the real hardware originally created. Not only does it sound and function like the hardware, it's even more flexible and tweak-able. Being able to change the headroom and wet/dry mix of the effect was something I could have only dreamed of before.

Plus I'll never have to be with out it when it breaks down and needs to visit the tech for TLC.

Well done UA.

M. Pastrello

December 13, 2013

It´s a fair child...

I really liked the sound of this one... I never even saw a real Fairchild in my life, but I have to tell you, the sound of this plugin made me wonder how good the real thing is.

Quite satisfied.


S. Berujanyan

December 13, 2013

Great Update

I just love this compressor.The new models go above anything to date, Thank you UA! Amazing plug-in.

H. Krogh

December 12, 2013

Great to see Fairchild Revisited

What can I say, it has always been brilliant and now it's better.

C. Shapiro

December 10, 2013

Best sound ever

The most amazing plug-in I have ever heard. I upgraded from v1 and v2 is better.

G. Piazza

December 8, 2013

Wow! 'Real' and surprisingly flexible

You've come a long way baby!
Yes, the original Fairchild had decent curves, but I always knew it lacked the transformer & tube modeling (how can that many tubes and transformers be modeled without taking a DSP chip out?).
Now, with the extra power available, UA has gone back and captured the 'grit, warts and all' of this behemoth. As others pointed out, the 660 is a different beast than the 670; more aggressive and grimy. Another reason not to complain if you think you are being ripped off by a re-modeled plug-in.
On every survey I've done for UA, I always pick the option of updated pug-ins and wet/dry control. UA has answered both of these in one go, with outstanding results for this one. Sounds 'real' & surprisingly flexible.

W. Garder

December 8, 2013

Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection - Very decent plugin.

Very interesting plugin. Unlike the old version has some differences: 1. Has a more critical attitude to the level of the input signal 2. Button "HR" makes magical things with source 3. Compression itself works very properly, without undue influences. Plugin deserves to be in the collection.

J. Weil

December 7, 2013

Wow! Very useful and impressive

I've owned the previous Fairchild emulation ever since the UAD-1 days and honestly, I rarely used it. Upon seeing the re-issue, I wondered if the improvement would be as huge as the 1176 and LA-2A Collections (which see use every mix). In short- it is!
I started with a large-format rock mix. I tried it on the lead vocals, which had light tracking compression provided by an 1176. I tried an LA-2A first, but it wasn't responding in the way I liked. Then I tried the 660 and it was spot-on. The way this thing grabs is almost unreal. When pushed hard, it does lose some life, but that is what compression does! After dialing it back a bit, I had my lead vocal DONE. Simple! I also tried it on bass (buss) at my next mix session and it kills....

L. Martin

December 6, 2013

Loving them both

The 660 and the 670 both sound "creamy" to my ears, and the included presets are very interesting, informative, and great starting places for my uses. So far, I've used them on lead vocals and bass guitar, but I'm sure there will be more over time.

W. Dorell

December 6, 2013

plus and minus...

670 is a little more grabby, less subtle, then original version, at similar reduction 'levels', at least.
not sure yet if it's much of an improvement.
but mix knob and low high pass detection is cool.
i think original fairchild plugin is a great tool.
especially on the mix bus.

M. Hensley

December 6, 2013

Fantastic for post on Dialog

Just picked up this collection.
Added the 660 my dialog chain. Loaded up the "Chesty vocals" preset and tweaked it a bit. And it does something very nice to the dialog. Smoothing of the edge and adding a nice warmth and depth to production dialog tracks.
I have a. Show with particularly midrange, bitey dialog. And this weeks mix sounded much much more pleasing.

Well worth the money.

D. Kallmeyer

December 5, 2013

Complete and utter failure.

I can't do a real review of the quality of the Fairchild
due to the fact that I had to downgrade to version 7.0.1.
The operating systems beyond that are completely
unstable, and I never got a chance to really use the plugin to its potential.
After many emails and attempts UA support finally admitted
that the platform does not currently work and advised
me to downgrade. 7.0.1 is running completely stable but I've lost
a lot of functionality and had to be refunded for the API, Pultecs, tuner,
and Fairchild.
I was issued a refund, but was asked if I was interested in just keeping
The plugs until a version comes out that is stable.
This is a complete and utter failure by UA.
I'm a professional engineer, not a beta tester.

701-720 of 739 Results