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Customer Reviews

ENGL® E646 VS Limited Edition

Overall Rating

81-100 of 102 Results

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J. Drouin

January 27, 2014

engl e646 vs plug-in

I`m very pleased with this plugin,it sounds great but I find it takes alot of cpu.Compared to most of the plugins that take 2-3 % of cpu well this takes almost 20%.So when I have all my plugins for my mix and put it on my guitars well I can only put it on 2 gtr tracks but I usally have more than 2 tracks of gtr.I need to bounced them to have it on the others and I have 2 uad2 installed.It`s the only reason I gave a 4 instead of a 5 stars but it sounds great.It would have been nice to have a list of the mics and settings used from the cab presets

U. Khan

January 14, 2014

Amazing, realistic, tube amp sound

This has made my portable guitar rig so much easier when i travel. I always bring my apollo, but now, no need for a pedal. Unlike my experience with other amp modelers, this has a good bottom end, and a full mid range.

N. Scarola

January 4, 2014

Best amp emulation.

All my guitars sound great with this amp, Clean or drive sounds killer.

S. Turner

December 13, 2013

Brilliant for what it is

As a rule of thumb I tend to avoid virtual guitar software as even the most highly regarded ones still lack the depth and tone that I want, and always sound...well, virtual. After trying this out it just had to go into the sonic toolbox. From mental screaming leads (not really my thing, to be honest), to shimmering clean tones with just the right amount of edge to them (which is exactly my thing), this has everything you could want and it sounds superb. The biggest compliment I can give it is that it allows the tone of my Fender Tele Thinline deluxe to shine through, unlike some which seem to be trying to totally remodel the entire guitar. Its not the real thing, but it is very, very good indeed.

P. Boshart

December 7, 2013

Ch Ch Chunky!!

You want it, you got it. Hands down the best hard rock tones I have ever used. The ENGL E646 VS is a monster. I have to say I have been using amps, and amp plug ins for my production for years, and have been looking for this type of tone from a Plug in for a long time. The benefit of it being such low latency through my Apollo coupled with the advanced FX Rack and mic setups has made this a go to sound for me.
My Mesa Boogie head and cab are now collecting more dust than I ever expected. Instant recall of presets and console recall...genius!
Using a chain of the Engl, SPL transient designer and the SSL console strip punches riffs through the speakers and into the back wall!

R. Brummett

December 6, 2013

A little different than all the rest

I ran the demo of this plug in and had to have it.

First of all I have all the good amp sims out there. I think they each have their own pros and cons.

This one is a little more realistic to me at conservative gain settings.

it does get a little gainy and harsh if pushed like that but most of the guitarist that I know use way more gain than is needed anyways!!

The presets for the most part are not that good except a few but if you are willing to pick one and do some tweaking you should be able to find something that you like.

Would definitly be anxious to hear some other amp models of different amp manufacturers.

Plus the built in effects are just a bonus.

I. Ivanov

October 12, 2013

Not the best sim I've heard

First of all the design and usability are perfect. Great and easy to use and you've got some nice addons like the Delay for example.
The issue for me is the sound. The simulations are realistic enough but sound not well defined and a bit blurry. The attack is bad, the sound is a bit hollow and the EQ does not help too much. Still prefer my LePou sims. Hopefully UA will solve some of these issues in the future because quality does not justify the price.

M. Allums

September 28, 2013

Not My Tone

I was extremely excited when I saw UAD was finally offering a guitar modeling plug-in. So I downloaded the demo. If you're into heavy metal and that type of tone then you may like it. I am more into classic rock and blues and this just does not fit my needs. Come one UAD develop something for the blues and classic rock players and we'll buy it. But this is not going to become part of my UAD plug-ins.

C. Sundqvist

September 26, 2013


I had no high expectations when I read those first reviews. It took a long time before I tested this amplifier. But when I finally tried, it took me 30 minutes to be convinced. This is the guitar simulator I've tested that sounds closest to a micked amplifier. I had Nigel in mind but this is so much better. The sound is fat and not to much processed. A very good basic sound for mixing. Thanks Christer.

J. Alea

September 23, 2013

Engl baby

I really like the sounds that I can get from this amp sim. It sounds great distorted, but the clean sounds are also very nice. I use an EMG equipped guitar with this sim and it just really roars. If I am searching for a clean tone, then it can also do the trick.

I would normally knock down my review a STAR if the presets aren't that good (as is the case with this plugin) . So many presets setup with BASS on 10 is a little half-a$$ed, but I will let it slide because I like to make my own tones anyway and this sounds GREAT in the MIX which is SO important.

B. Hoener

September 9, 2013

Re-Ampers Delight!!!

Well, Last night I had the pleasure to Re-Amp with this Bad Boy! We track with 2 Mic'd
Cabs for our guitarist as well as a Dry track (Via Direct box) for each of them. Well I just put an Engl E646 VS on one and a Softube Marshall on the other and went to town.
What a Plethora of great guitar tones.
Thanks again UA, You Guys Rock!

B. Hoener

September 5, 2013

Especially Nice Getting Loud?????

I think thats what ENGL must stand for cause this thing ROCKS!!!!!
Once again, Thumbs up to UA and Brainworx for a great effort!!!

J. Daly

September 5, 2013

Excellent sound, buggy interface at the moment.

I love the tones I can get with this, messing with the signal chains is key to getting the sound I want to hear from this. It makes a massive change to the sound depending on the mic cab combinations used. The major problem at the moment for me is that channel switching seems to take a very long time, and in protools causes a cpu spike that kills the music. I can't really buy this till the bugs are ironed out, also it will be a lot more useful for live or even in the studio when the amp controls can be assigned to a midi foot controller via the console, rather than having to use the amp inside of a host.

K. Kurek

September 3, 2013

Looking forward to an update

I was glad you decided to do powered instruments such as the ENGL. I bought the high gain amp. The gain is pretty decent, but I have to agree with most of the reviews here. I was rather underwhelmed by the lack of presence and bite. I have to get most of the controls cranked and bass turned down to get anywhere near some crispness. The single cabinet doesn't help since the controls aren't that effective. More tonal diversity and effectiveness from the EQ would be nice. But one way or another, just get that bite in there as it should be. I bought another Brainworkx amp before, and was similarly not so impressed: but I had hoped something made for UAD for be better. So far, my best amp plugins remain the free ones like "Lepou".

B. Hoener

September 3, 2013

Apollo users Dream come true!!!

Well, I actually went and read the manual. I found out with the Apollo you could use your own Pre-Amp into the ENGL Power amp, or Use the ENGL Pre-Amp into your own Power Amp! How Freaking cool is that?? I'm gonna keep writing positive reviews of these Amps until the 5 Stars are where they belong!!!

B. Hoener

September 1, 2013

Lets set the record straight!!!

Sheesh, when I look at the other reviews and see one star clicked off it really ticks me off. This amp is Freaking Awesome and so is the other Engl amp. I think what others are comparing to are Amp sims that sound only like the amp. What they fail to realize is this is the Amp, Mic and recording chain into your DAW of choice, with the ability to have it auto toggle between recording chains while your song is playing so you can find the best Tone for the particular song your working with. If you want however to just sound like the other Amp sims out there, you can, it just takes a little tweaking!!!
If you use amplitube or some other Amp Sim your just going to end up tweaking the other way around to make it fit your recording.
Happy Nooding

L. Sabourin

August 22, 2013

Stick to what you do best

I have tried practically every amp sim and IR cabs out there, in addition to the real thing. The presets on this one all sound the "same": very dull. UAD should stick to what they do best: model vintage outboard. These amps are nowhere close to the competition which offer more options for the price of those 2 amps. Here you get less for more.

P. Brezina

August 20, 2013

UAD marketing

As soon as UAD get back to work with emulating serious gear, the credit will once again raise up. This Brainworks stuff is really only mediocre. You can have better sound from TH2 or Amplitude. Engl is not supposed to sound this dull with all presets with bass rotary on max.

J. Maria

August 18, 2013

Not what I expect from Universal Audio

The factory presets sound dull, lifeless and very boxy. I got a decent sound myself adding a massive amount of EQ and a distortion box pedal before the amp insert. Definitely, this is not what I expected from an UAD plugin and I hope they will fix it and make it useable ASAP.

I. Pinkhas

August 16, 2013


Presets are not very expressive. At the sound of a little brightness

81-100 of 102 Results