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Customer Reviews

Cooper® Time Cube Mk II Delay

Overall Rating

321-340 of 363 Results

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P. Brown

November 13, 2012

Cooper Time Cube review

This plug sits in the mix better than any other detuning-type plug-in I've tried. Great for guitars and vox.

N. Anzai

November 11, 2012

Great Surprise!

I purchased this as I got a coupon. I've never used the hardware so I didn't know what I could expect. Next day I had a mix down session. I need a kind of stereo spread short delay. Tried some thing else first, tried Roland Dimesion or CE1, they didn't sound right for me. Put this Coopers in. Wow, everyone in the mix room say "That's it!" . Job done!
Can't explain technically. just great sound. Must have for me now.

S. Arts

October 31, 2012

Not just a great delay.....

The Cooper time cube is a great effect. Not only for using it the way it`s intended to. It`s also a great tool for balancing your sounds in the mix. Give depth, make it wider, put your sound wherever you want it in your mix spectrum!.
Turn it, shape it, move it. :-)

S. Maxwell

October 30, 2012

Simple but Effective

A great delay. Can produce a wide range of fx. Particularly good for short chorus and slap back. Would I buy again. Yes. Well done UA.

G. Starr

October 19, 2012

Simply nessasary

The best, most natural sounding plug I've found for subtle reverb and delay effects for my reverb buss. Everything sounds like it's in the perfect room with the Cooper time cube. I've mostly used it on busses so far and so far I've found it's best use for me has been in the vocal reverb buss. It has replaced my TC series 6000 verbs as my most used on both vocals and acoustic guitar tracks.

L. Howard

August 9, 2012

This is a great plugin! I never had the chance to use the hardware version but lays in the tracks like butter. As usual a little bit goes a long way. I like the very short settings the best and use it as a send instead of an insert.
Highly recommended to enhance almost anything.

D. Carboni

August 3, 2012

The Cooper Time Cube kicks serious ass...most unique delay plugin I own, and it gets used creatively on every mix of mine...from subtle to in your face...the Time Cube is hard to make sound bad.

S. Ivanov

August 3, 2012

One of my working horse since i bought it.
Sounds very natural and sits in the mix very well.
No need to use extra eq.
Thanx , UA !

T. Mckinney

July 14, 2012

I haven't used it a lot, yet but it's great for subtle vocal ambience when I don't want the 140 or another reverb. Sweet on guitar. I'll find a lot of uses.

J. Ka

July 14, 2012

«:::P:::» «:::E:::» «:::R:::» «:::F:::» «:::E:::» «:::C:::» «:::T:::»

J. Leary

July 6, 2012

Great sounding delay, I use this mostly on solo guitars, and it gives me a variety of nice delays - everything from fattening up solos to nice tasty analog sounding echoes. Very versatile delay plugin. I highly recommend it to add to your arsenal of effects plugins!

D. Tartar

June 30, 2012

I've been looking for a delay for quite a while that is easier to get the results I've wanted. Dials that allow for more precise manipulation of the left and right delay time. Delay that's not muted and muddy. This unit has a nice clear delay and is quick to set. Nice pre-sets as well.

S. Hurtow

June 29, 2012

When I look at the UAD Cooper Time Cube Mk II Plug-In, it's like having an analogue echo unit, but in stereo, with all the flexibility of a top-end professional delay without the complicated nonsense. This thing is like the best of four worlds: you get analogue and digital and you also get serious and fun! Stereo echo has never been more adventurous.

D. Emmanuel

June 23, 2012

Vintage or modern Delay.
Great plug, like the others of UAD.
I used to work with 10 plugs: Lexicon, Fatso, Studer, Roland Dimension D.......
All incredible, so fantastic the originals but without noise :-)
Emmanuel DUCLOUX

D. Wray

June 8, 2012

The Cooper has a unique ability to create crazy synced delay fx. Everything sounds right no matter ho crazy you drive it. Great for any tones 5/5!

M. Moore

June 5, 2012

Back in the day I rarely used this unit because of the lack of parameters, so I would go with a Lexicon, AMS or some other digital unit instead. But with this guy the parameters are there and then some! You have all the features of the newer delays plus the vintage sound of the original unit.

P. Moshay

April 4, 2012

I never owned or tried one of these till the UA version and now i can't believe i did not. It's crazy how cool the sounds can be on something so simple. I did not think i would be into this delay till i demo'd it...... i was hooked right away.

F. Serbent

March 4, 2012

That's the best delay I've ever been used. It sounds great on guitar, synth or bass guitar. It's an ansolute must!

D. Dresdow

December 9, 2011

The most unique sounding delay ever made- but with the advantages of being modernized for way more usage. I can use it a lot faster, and in more situations than I could with the "garden hose" unit. Very vibey. I love panning guitars to the right, sending them to this, then panning the returns to the left. Butter.

N. Zervos

June 30, 2011

so authentic its scary....Gosh this remionds me, I gotta use this thing!

321-340 of 363 Results