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Customer Reviews

Apollo x4

Overall Rating

81-100 of 217 Results

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I. Cahill

December 30, 2020

My new favorite piece of gear

Apollo x4 is well worth the money and far greater product than everything I've used. I've been using a MOTU 828 mkii for the past 5 years and it was great, but it's already become obsolete. Also, the UA plug-ins are amazing!

G. Andrei

December 27, 2020

I hate myself

I hate myself because I used another gear till now. It was waste of time!

E. Zehendner

December 25, 2020

High Class Sound!

I am so glad I found this incredible piece of hardware. It is my favorite piece of gear I own aside from my MacBook Pro. The unison technology is a dream come true. The plugins can't be beat. The only downside is you get sucked into the ecosystem and end up spending a lot of money haha. I am a happy customer so far. Thanks UA!

L. Liu

December 19, 2020

Amazing and Inspirational

I used the Arrow for 2 years, and loved it. It was a great introduction the the UA universe. I recently upgraded to the Apollo x4, and I have absolutely no regrets. I wanted 4 mic inputs, and now having 4 DSP chips as opposed to 1 in the Arrow is a game changer. I am no longer limited and can run a lot more plugins. I also noticed that the sound quality with the x4 has more depth and clarity than the Arrow.
I’m glad I trained on the Arrow, but the Apollo x4 is a worthy investment, and can’t wait to use this with recording ensembles. I’m so glad I upgraded.

v. grondin

December 18, 2020

What an upgrade !

I go from a Fireface 400 that I had for 10 years to the X4! Night and day! its unbelievable on my voice with the Neve 1073 and I fell in love with the Fender Tweed with my Lag. I love this material!

J. Romero

December 18, 2020


I've been wanting an Apollo for years but the price point is high as you know, but it does come with some plugs. Anyway, of course, the plugs are excellent and the first time I turned it on I could really hear how good the converters are. But I must say the some of the more intense plugins are processor HOGS!! In some instances, I could only use just a few plugs without getting the dreaded error message. I'm bummed :(
I'm not gonna return the x4 but I wish I could have read more reviews that mentioned the high processor load. I'm sure I could expand my UA system but dude after paying 1800 dollars I thought something like this far from fact. Also, I would like to see more tutorials on their website they don't have too many. Once again, it's UA! ... come on, but think about it before you take the plunge.

E. Maracchioni

December 15, 2020

Simply I love it

I just sold a Zen Tour Sinergy Core Antelope for an Apollo X4, and I never regretted it for 1 minute. I love this little jewel !

Ł. Michalski

December 12, 2020

Wspaniały produkt

NA UA X4 przesiadłem się po sprzedaży Antelope Zen Tour. To mój pierwszy produkt z firmą Universal Audio. W porównaniu do poprzednika, X4 wydaje się być produktem kompletnym. Wszystko działa, dźwięk zawodowy, szczegółowy, stabilne sterowniki, nic się nie wysypuje, prostota obsługi. Interfejs jest bardzo dobrze wykonany i jak dla mnie ma wszystko na swoim miejscu. Minusów jak idzie o sam X4 nie zauważyłem póki co, z kolei minusami samego środowiska UA jak dla mnie są: zbyt drogie wtyczki UA (kupując X4 liczyłem się z takim stanem rzeczy), w Console na liście wtyczek brakuje mi wyraźnego oznaczenia pluginów które są w moim posiadaniu. Generalnie polecam!

S. Fuchs

December 10, 2020

Bestes Interface bisher

Ich hatte vor einiger Zeit bereits einmal ein Apollo Twin MK I, mit dem ich sehr zufrieden war. Der ausschlaggebende Punkt Pro UAD ist für mich die großartige Stabilität der Treiber in Kombination mit sehr hochwertiger Hardware und die ausgesprochen guten Plugins. Das x4 setzt ausstattungsmäßig nochmal eine gute Schippe drauf... die Vielzahl an Eingängen machen kleine Projekte mit ein paar Musikern deutlich komfortabler und im Vgl. zum Twin MK I klingen die Preamps für mich ein ganzes Stück besser, was sich weniger subtil bemerkbar macht, als ich dachte. Ob E-Bass oder Gesang - der Qualitätsunterschied ist sehr deutlich und rechtfertigt alleine schon das Upgrade. Ich finde bei den Plugins könnte die Preispolitik überdacht werden, Gewinn erzielt UAD so oder so genug. Exklusivität hin oder her, ich hätte gerne eine breitere Basis an Plugins im niedrigeren Preissegment. Die "großen" können ja dennoch wie bisher angeboten werden.

N. Padilla Rudick

December 7, 2020

Excellent !!!!

UA Apollo is a game changer! It immediately changed the quality of my recordings and mixes !! Thank you!

J. Freeman

December 7, 2020

Another killer interface!

Upgraded from a Twin MKII Quad and the X4 is as good as you'd expect from UA. Amazing in every aspect - build quality, pre's, conversion, software, plugins, unison, luna - it's all awesome. Update to Thunderbolt 3/USB-c is great too. Thanks UA!

J. Orr

December 3, 2020

Just what I needed.

I should have UAD stock. They make some of the best music equipment. I have the Apollo x8 and it was all I needed. Until I purchased a Fender Rhodes and needed additional inputs. The x4 comes with additional inputs, additional DSP, additional speaker monitoring, and on desk control. Perfect!

C. Pavese

December 2, 2020

Amazing as Always !

Just amazing as Always ! Thx Universal Audio !!!

B. Duro

November 30, 2020

My best audio interface ever

The best quality sound, pre’s, construction, design and options on the market.

J. Ott

November 24, 2020

Instantly Better Recordings

The Apollo X4 instantly improved my recordings. Universal Audio is a lot like Apple where it takes using all of their products (in their ecosystem) together to make you never want to go back to anything else. The 4 pres make it possible to track everything including our drummer. Easy to use. And working with Luna and this together is incredible. I saved up for a long time to get this and I am not disappointed.

V. Terrazas

November 16, 2020

2 Units Returned in 6 Months

Although Universal has industry acceptance, I've had to return this unit 2 times. The second time I had to pay for shipping. First unit had level meeter lights that did not turn on, and would get extremely hot. I returned it and got a new unit from the retailer. The second unit worked well for approximately 4 months, when suddenly out of no where noise started coming through the speakers plugged in to the unit, the meter lights turned on without anything plugged into the unit, and it also would get extremely hot. When I contacted my retailer, they referred me to Universal, which then asked me to send the unit. I had to pay for shipping. They sent me a new unit because "no one is available to fix the current unit due to covid". I've seriously lost faith in Universal. I feel like I am stuck with serious buyer's remorse. I hope this new unit lives up to its name. Otherwise that's over fifteen hundred dollars down the drain. We shall see.

M. Agren

November 16, 2020


Got the x16 and X4, LOVE it, the very best!!

J. Miller

November 14, 2020

The perfect home studio solution

Until recently (try not to laugh) I was using a MOTU 1296 firewire interface from 1999. It still worked fine and I thought it sounded ok, but decided to finally upgrade to the Apollo x4. What a HUGE difference in sound quality! I have a good pair of Dynaudio speakers, but with x4 I now feel like a have a new pair of speakers as well. Everything is a joy to listen to. Combine that with all the amazing plugins and wow, I can't believe I waited so long. This is going to take the quality of my music to the next level.

B. Peterson

November 10, 2020

Long time fan of UA (but this is a mixed review and meant for Windows Users mostly)

I Love Universal Audio and every other UA product I own gets 5 stars. As for my Apollo x4: from a hardware perspective, I give it 4 stars. That said, I was warned that Windows users will have trouble. As a Systems Engineer, I am probably more equipped to get things running in Windows 10 than most, and I have for the most part, But from a software perspective, I would give the Apollo x4 2 stars. It's very particular and you must configure everything a certain way and even then, it's inflexible. I really hope that UA hires an ace developer to fix it's software so I can once again say that Universal Audio has never let me down. I realize that most of you out there a Mac users and my little note here should be taken with a grain of salt.

M. Jarzebski

November 10, 2020

Pure Joy!

It's been about 3 weeks since I started using x4. It is a perfect tool for a rhythm/timing freak like me. The very first impression I had was the solid build it was. Next how easy the process of registration was. Later how easily I set the sound of my guitar. Everything was smooth and easy. Latency? Not my problem anymore. Plugins are insanely good. Worth every penny! Thank you, UA guys! You have brought my joy of recording back. Respect!

81-100 of 217 Results