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Customer Reviews

Antares Auto-Tune Realtime Advanced

Overall Rating

381-394 of 394 Results

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S. Ptasznik

February 18, 2019

No Formant Control

I was really hoping that this would be a direct copy of the autotune pro but unfortunately, it's not, It's only a user interface upgrade for 50 DOLLARS! That is if you own the previous version. UAD really had a good opportunity to bring the best plugin on the market to its platform but failed. Highly let down by this! The real-time is nice but the previous version already had that...

B. Schumacher

February 17, 2019


Ich kann mich den anderen negativen Kritiken nur anschließen

R. Spiegel

February 17, 2019

Old wine in new bottles.

UAs price policy at its best. Taking the money for what? Selling uad cores at over the top prices (1200 $ for an octopus core) with the argument of included plugins you already have. UA has to overthink this model in order to be able to sell their plugins also in the future.


February 16, 2019

Should be a free upgrade

This one lacks the new features an upgrade should have. It's the same as the old one but they've fixed the digital distortion that happens at higher sample rates- so we've paying for a version that actually works as advertised? UAD shat the bed with this one.

P. Capasso

February 15, 2019


Mi dispiace, ma l'aggiornamento è veramente uno spreco di soldi, tecnicamente, non è cambiato nulla, tranne la bellissima interfaccia grafica, Grazie

F. Henning

February 14, 2019


Ich ginge davon aus das man die Antares Autotune Pro Version + Key Finder und mehr bekommt, doch dies ist auch nur eine abgespeckte Version und nicht die FULL PRO ADVANCED !!!! SEHR SEHR UNCOOL UAD ! 49 € weggeschmissen !

UAD User

February 13, 2019

A "No Brainer" Upgrade

Unless you're a particularly gifted individual, most vocalists will require some degree of pitch correction and the industry standard for realtime correction is, of course, this product. Always use it in the console for initial tracking and then Melodyne if more surgical post processing is required. The two form the swiss army knife of vocal production and I wouldn't be without them. It's just one of those "must have" plugins.


February 12, 2019

Beautiful Graphical User Interface

I still find it amazing that I can be reluctant to use an unattractive interface even tho it’s the authentic Auto-Tune sound. This new “Pro version” is laid out to a Pro level consistency of today’s sophisticated plugin designs. In other words, what your eyes vision is more organized algorithms.

M. Mehr

February 12, 2019

Still no Formant Control, I'm forced to use VST and AU version

I was so very excited to see this update, until I discovered that it's the same app, just a redesign. Unison support is a plus however.

So am I the only user who needs Formant Control here??!!!! UA and Antares left out an important feature that still forces me to maintain and purchase two versions: UAD and Native.

If you require Formant Control, don't bother double buying this. IMHO anyways.

O. Lbs

February 12, 2019



S. Sine

February 12, 2019

Don't bother updating!

If you want autotune on UAD platform and don't have the previous version, by all means, buy it. But if you already own the previous version, you will waste your money by upgrading. I just demoed this new version against the previous version and they sound exactly the same (same vocals with settings matched). This new version doesn't sound more natural or anything, just exactly the same. If you upgrade, you'll just pay for the fancy new-looking interface. The new Autotune PRO from Antares has a throat formant that this version doesn't even have. At least, if they had added that formant throat setting, it would somewhat justify the upgrade price. Totally useless. Sorry, I've never left a bad review before and don't like leaving bad reviews in general but I think this is really smoke and mirrors with the intention of milking naive cows.

A. Joseph

February 12, 2019

Great upgrade!

I have been waiting for this. I love Universal Audio :)


February 12, 2019

Wow...just contacted UAD about this but....

I just asked Support about this last week and they replied they didn't know if this was coming. I am excited doesn't appear to have the Auto Key feature found in Antares Auto-Tune would be cool to have this. I am now wondering if I buy Auto Key from Antares if it will work with the UAD version of Auto-tune....

Charlie K.

February 12, 2019

Awww snap!

Didn't know UA was planning on bringing the new one to their platform. Stoked!

381-394 of 394 Results